Behold the Ragnarok Object!The finale to the second tier of the New Arcadia campaign is here! All secrets have been laid bare. The truth behind Nemesis and its ancient battle against the Remnant has been revealed and not a moment too soon. The end of the universe is extremely fucking nigh. The Heroes of New Arcadia must do battle against a cosmic evil from beyond time and space and while they have the aid of almost everyone on Earth, they have no idea if it will be enough. Who will live? Who will die? Find out in the conclusion to the global tier of the Heroes of New Arcadia!

They're actually fighting over whether Mountain Dew: Code Red or Mountain Dew Voltage is the best flavor. Plot twist: The demon backs Voltage. Better Angels is a an upcoming One Roll Engine role playing game from Greg Stolze and Arc Dream. It’s currently in playtesting and we were fortunate enough to get our hands on the draft. Caleb ran the playtest scenario so we could get familiar with the game before we dive into a campaign. In this scenario, we all play supervillains in an existing group of bad guys, out to rule the American Midwest with an iron fist….in theory. However, after a horrifically violent outing at an Occupy rally and a fight with a ‘superhero’, we get a job offer from another supervillain. The job isn’t what it seems though so will our protagonists find out the truth behind the scheme and what will they do about it?

A work in progress sketch of Peter Silvertail for the Base Raiders RPGIn this episode of the Heroes of New Arcadia, the end draws near! As the truth behind Nemesis and Ragnarok is revealed, the Heroes of New Arcadia must deal with its ramifications. Aliens, gods, and beings of unimaginable cosmic power each seek to fulfill their own agendas, regardless of the consequences. The Collective and the governments of the world also seek to use this crisis to grab more power. It is clear the fate of the world, perhaps the entire universe, is at stake. Can a handful of mistmatched self-made heroes possibly stop the doom that grows ever more certain every minute? Find out what happens in the penultimate episodes of the global tier of the Heroes of New Arcadia!

Boundless by Ean MoodyIn this episode, the Heroes of New Arcadia return to earth and find out everyone has learned of the doomsday asteroid and its destruction. To say it causes a stir might be a bit of an understatement but the Heroes have no time to ponder the ramifications of their actions because the superhuman convention is in town! Thousands of self-empowered humans, aliens, and magical beings have ventured to New Arcadia to talk shop, trade, show off, and party! Of course, the federal authorities have their own plans in motion as well. Can the Heroes balance the chaos of the convention with the machinations of the government? What other trouble is in store for them? Find out as the global tier draws closer to an end!

Man, I'd kill a lot of bounty hunters to get out of being a moisture farmer. I hate moisture farming so much >:OA few months ago, Dan offered to run a Star Wars game using Wild Talents and Star ORE, along with a few other house rules. It only lasted two sessions but they were fun! So, to provide some holiday cheer, I present to you the Ballad of Kevin Starchaser (and his friends). They have a spaceship and make poor life decisions. Also: Star Wars.