The wizard Cranberry Boghexer gave his familiar away to a demon several missions back but now regrets his decision. He and his friends must travel to the underworld to rescue Stetson the albatross! But first they’ll have to find a way to go…to Hell.

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Chris as Cranberry Bog Hexer, Human Ocean Wizard
David as 44, a Maxi Man tattoo warrior

An oil rig illegally operates off the coast of Greenland in the summer of 2020, looking to find a new untapped reservoir. The crew is made of misfits, skilled but desperate workers who can’t work anywhere else or need the money fast. However, the drill struck something the crew never expected it would hit. What’s below the surface? Find out in the first part of this playtest of Adam Scott Glancy’s latest scenario for Delta Green!

Ross as Lorenzo Tassoni, divemaster
Vee as Philis Trask, geologist – Visit Queen’s Court Games
Caleb as Ryan Campbell, geologist -get more DG content on Dead Channels
Baz as Beth Townsend, doctor – Watch Baz on Twitch
Max as Clark Hudson, pilot – get more Delta Green APs on Relatable Rolls


The team must head to an underwater base called the Abyss to break up a meeting between the Federation of Magic and the Cult of the Deep.

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Chris as Cranberry Bog Hexer, Human Ocean Wizard
David as 44, a Maxi Man tattoo warrior

At long last, the agents now know the secret behind the Endius Mandate. A xenos artifact capable of reshaping the entire Imperium is at hand, but they aren’t the only ones after it. Even if the agents can prevent their rivals from acquiring the artifact, do they even want their patron to own it? Some power is too much for any mortal. Witness the end of the Endius Mandate!

Group portrait by Vee from Queen’s Court Games. Thanks!

Vee as Rabbit, voidborn guard savant, – Check out Queen’s Court Games
Noah as Khurt Neksilp, imperial guard – Listen to Thinking Too Hard About Anime
Thad as The Harrow, voidborn mystic psyker
Kara as Lim the null hiveborn blank zealot

The Muse Squad has to rescue the El Mariachi muse, but in order to do that, they’ll have to help him rescue his village from a band of vampires! Out in the southwest, vampires are some of the most deadly monsters, despite their fatal weakness to moving water, i.e. squirt guns and water balloons. Can the squad defeat the vampires and recruit the legally distinct El Mariachi?

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Jason as Vance Hellspring, psi-stalker
Dan as Daryl the Mystic