The quarry of the agents waits on top of a mountain, waiting for a delivery of explosives. The agents must transport the explosives through a treacherous pass in order to get close enough to capture the psyker. But even if they get close to her, can they capture her?

Vee as Rabbit, voidborn guard savant, – Check out Queen’s Court Games
Noah as Khurt Neksilp, imperial guard – Listen to Thinking Too Hard About Anime
Thad as The Harrow, voidborn mystic psyker
Kara as Lim the null hiveborn blank zealot

The muse of lounge music has been found and he’s performing at Wizard Con, the convention for wizards! The con is being held at Atlantis, so the Muse Squad has head down there and get him before the Federation of Magic does. Can they navigate the many dangers of Atlantis? Can they even get inside the con?

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Chris as Cranberry Bog Hexer, Human Ocean Wizard
David as 44, a Maxi Man tattoo warrior

The last target is in the mountains, in a lawless town known as Kasan. It’s a hotbed of illegal mining and crime, as prospectors frantically dig up what they can to sell to either side and gangs extort money from the prospectors. The agents need to find their target without attracting attention to themselves or falling victim to the roving gangs.

Vee as Rabbit, voidborn guard savant, – Check out Queen’s Court Games
Noah as Khurt Neksilp, imperial guard – Listen to Thinking Too Hard About Anime
Thad as The Harrow, voidborn mystic psyker
Kara as Lim the null hiveborn blank zealot

The Muse Squad returns to the Pre-Rifts base, code name: ORCHESTRA, to destroy a Coalition outpost. If the squad can reach a toxic waste pit, they can breach it to flood the outpost. Of course, ORCHESTRA is a dangerous place, filled with monsters and other hazards, not to mention the Coalition soldiers in the base.

Tom as Steve the Grackle Tooth Mercenary
Chris as Cranberry Bog Hexer, Human Ocean Wizard
David as 44, a Maxi Man tattoo warrior

The agents confront chaos deep underground in an ancient and forgotten bunker! As the war rages above them, the agents look for a way to end the influence of Nurgle on the region. They’ll have to deal with traps and a powerful demonic spirit. Will the experimental weapon they find in the bunker work?

Vee as Rabbit, voidborn guard savant, – Check out Queen’s Court Games
Noah as Khurt Neksilp, imperial guard – Listen to Thinking Too Hard About Anime
Thad as The Harrow, voidborn mystic psyker
Kara as Lim the null hiveborn blank zealot