A group of high powered beings have been charged with assassinating Omar Shakti, the immortal servant of Nyarlathotep, a powerful sorcerer. Yithian super technology, mythos sorcerery and mayhem come into play as New York is torn apart by the chaos. Will the agents complete their task or will Omar complete his diabolical plan?

The liberty ships of World War 2 were hastily constructed cargo ships that moved desperately needed supplies from North America to Europe. They were built in weeks and many sank. On one ship, the Bell Island, the crew finds an alien stowaway that is seeking to take over.  Can the menace be stopped in time? This scenario was run at Gencon 2010 and was created and run by Tom Church.

You made this possible: Aaron’s first convention game of Call of Cthulhu. He’s ran Tom’s Divine Fire scenario. Prisoners stuck in a remote Nazi science camp are forced to work together to survive the winter weather and inhuman monsters. Can the boy scout Aaron give the scenario a proper run? Listen to find out!

You are cordially invited to a Night at the Opera. A town called Groversville is a hotbed of UFO activity and one of its residents has recently shown…disturbing inhuman abilities. You are to meet with your cell and determine what is going on in the town.

Be Seeing You.

An investigative team for a basic cable TV show look into rumors of a government experiment gone awry and uncover a massive conspiracy that threatens the fate of the world. Oh and Jason’s character throws a rock. This game of Call of Cthulhu merges Delta Green (co-written by Dennis Detwiller) with the hit video game Prototype (also co-designed by Dennis Detwiller).