A strange ‘stowaway’ has been found on the oil rig, without any explanation of how they got there. That’s only the start of the mystery though. Weirder events are happening and the stowaway seems to be keeping many secrets. Can the crew figure out what’s going on before it’s too late?

Ross as Lorenzo Tassoni, divemaster
Vee as Philis Trask, geologist – Visit Queen’s Court Games
Caleb as Ryan Campbell, geologist -get more DG content on Dead Channels
Baz as Beth Townsend, doctor – Watch Baz on Twitch
Max as Clark Hudson, pilot – get more Delta Green APs on Relatable Rolls

An oil rig illegally operates off the coast of Greenland in the summer of 2020, looking to find a new untapped reservoir. The crew is made of misfits, skilled but desperate workers who can’t work anywhere else or need the money fast. However, the drill struck something the crew never expected it would hit. What’s below the surface? Find out in the first part of this playtest of Adam Scott Glancy’s latest scenario for Delta Green!

Ross as Lorenzo Tassoni, divemaster
Vee as Philis Trask, geologist – Visit Queen’s Court Games
Caleb as Ryan Campbell, geologist -get more DG content on Dead Channels
Baz as Beth Townsend, doctor – Watch Baz on Twitch
Max as Clark Hudson, pilot – get more Delta Green APs on Relatable Rolls


The Prayerbooks of Lethe is a dangerous tome. It contains the knowledge of an obscure cult, the Drowners of Lethe, connected to dozens of murders and disappearances in the last century. The book has surfaced in the listing of an estate auction. Three agents are sent to the estate to retrieve the Prayerbooks before the auction is held. The horrors they encounter inside are beyond their imaginations.

Max as Madeline Owens, anthropologist. Check out Good Brews Bad Views Podcast!
Claire as Maci Adams, FBI agent. Relatable Rolls has more Delta Green Actual Play content.
Aaron as Lorena Meza, FBI agent.

This scenario is my Shotgun Scenario contest entry for 2023. Read the full scenario here.

The FBI agents are now in charge of the case, as they look for a killer on the looser. The suspect, a former special forces soldier, is an expert in wilderness survival and it won’t be easy to find him. Even if they take him down, the agents know the real threat is inside Santana and some people want to capture the entity, not kill it. This is the thrilling conclusion of this classic Delta Green scenario!

Thad as Taurean Cybulski, FBI agent
Vee as Christina Lambert, medical examiner – Check out Queen’s Court Games!
Aaron as Jacklyn Wingfield, FBI agent

Delta Green Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays is now available. Get it now on PDF.

Thirteen people have vanished along Highway 70 in the Arizona desert. That stretch of road—the press already calls it the “Devil’s Highway”—runs through the San Carlos Apache Indian Reservation. Tribal police and state investigators are at a loss. Now the FBI has stepped in with a team of two agents and a medical examiner. Can they find the killer?

Thad as Taurean Cybulski, FBI agent
Vee as Christina Lambert, medical examiner – Check out Queen’s Court Games!
Aaron as Jacklyn Wingfield, FBI agent

Delta Green Puppet Shows and Shadow Plays is now available. Get it now on PDF.