An oil rig illegally operates off the coast of Greenland in the summer of 2020, looking to find a new untapped reservoir. The crew is made of misfits, skilled but desperate workers who can’t work anywhere else or need the money fast. However, the drill struck something the crew never expected it would hit. What’s below the surface? Find out in the first part of this playtest of Adam Scott Glancy’s latest scenario for Delta Green!

Ross as Lorenzo Tassoni, divemaster
Vee as Philis Trask, geologist – Visit Queen’s Court Games
Caleb as Ryan Campbell, geologist -get more DG content on Dead Channels
Baz as Beth Townsend, doctor – Watch Baz on Twitch
Max as Clark Hudson, pilot – get more Delta Green APs on Relatable Rolls


The Prayerbooks of Lethe is a dangerous tome. It contains the knowledge of an obscure cult, the Drowners of Lethe, connected to dozens of murders and disappearances in the last century. The book has surfaced in the listing of an estate auction. Three agents are sent to the estate to retrieve the Prayerbooks before the auction is held. The horrors they encounter inside are beyond their imaginations.

Max as Madeline Owens, anthropologist. Check out Good Brews Bad Views Podcast!
Claire as Maci Adams, FBI agent. Relatable Rolls has more Delta Green Actual Play content.
Aaron as Lorena Meza, FBI agent.

This scenario is my Shotgun Scenario contest entry for 2023. Read the full scenario here.

A team of Delta Green agents are activated to surveil a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. After several days of waiting and watching, nothing happens at the house, but the real mystery begins for the agents. Why is their handler acting so oddly? What does the leadership of Delta Green know about their mission? As the agents investigate their own organization, they find a terrible truth beyond their comprehension…

This scenario uses a map available to patrons of the RPPR Patreon. View the Suburban Anomaly map here!

Aaron as Fred Jacobs, FBI
Max as Dr. Charles Rampling LOC
Baz as James William “Brick”

An oil drilling site has shut down after excavation work revealed a cave with indigenous archeological significance. Mysterious statues of unknown origin puzzled local archeologists. Delta Green wants the site investigated, so a team of agents heads in to find out if the dig site poses a threat. Some things are better left buried deep in the earth…

If you enjoyed this game, check out Baz and Caleb’s Twitch, New Game, Never Played!

Andrew “Baz” Baswell as the GM
Caleb as Agent Dathan Wood
Noah as Vicky Castonguay
Max as Terry Kremenski
Aaron as Alyssa Carpenter
Ross as Agent Ann Arendt

A botched Delta Green operation turns deadly. The agents must survive the attack and then the truly dangerous part of the mission begins. They know that the source of evil is further in the wilderness. They must find and confront it. Can they survive the inhuman entity at the heart of the cult? Find out in the conclusion of Sanguine Thorn!

Ross as Larry Jantzen, FBI agent
Max as Hank Crenshaw, Army Ranger
Baz as Myrai Mantz, Department of Wildlife
Noah as Glenn Nesbit, Park Ranger
Jason as James Sutherland, Alaska State Trooper
Caleb as the GM