saurian2And now, the second half of Saurian Solutions LLC! Our heroes plan their attack on Mr Tyrranous, getting allies from rebels within the saurian ranks. They also get help from the outside, as a grizzled old SAS soldier, who also happens to be a werewolf, joins the fight. They also seek help from a local militia that has been trapped in the jungle. But will these armed, and somewhat crazy gunmen be more trouble than they are worth?

fhsgExtinction is not always forever.  A group of Base Raiders are on their way across the country when they happen upon a strange situation in Arizona.  A small town has been cut off from the rest of the world, and its population have been transformed into dinosaurs by a new villain, Mr Tyrrannous.  Now, The Violet Vision, an alien robot, and a magical talking cat must stop this new villain, before the rest of the world is forced to go dino.

rocky2As you know, we only play serious, grim, and dark role playing games, so we have continued this legacy with a daring indie storytelling game of a moose and squirrel hunted by a rogue government assassin and a femme fatale. Find out the truth behind the secret of the ‘jet fuel’ that some are willing to kill to get.

lost-nightWe return to the sleepy village of Taos, New Mexico. Last time, a team of investigators stopped an invasion of the Dreamlands but this time they face a strange serial killer stalking the night. Finding and stopping the killer will require more than brute strength and magical firepower. The team has to find who or what the killer is before they can stop it. Can the team survive the night?

burner4A woman, blood seeping through her suit, staggers to the door of Red-Talk Phones. A gun is in her hand. She is strong enough to yell out not to bother calling the police. She just needs a clean phone, a burner. It is coming and it would be better if it did not have more victims to attack. The employees of the strip mall huddle behind the counter of Red-Talk Phones.

Burner is a Delta Green scenario in which the PCs are civilians thrown into an Opera without warning. I used Fear Itself (a Gumshoe system) to playtest the engine because I thought it suited the scenario more and I wanted to introduce one of the players, Shaun, to Gumshoe.

Burner won second place in the 2015 Delta Green Shotgun Scenario contest. You can read all of the entries here, including the winner Die Nachtbruder.