sentry-turretNews: Check out Death Traps Volume 1, the newest Base Raiders supplement. Use Gritty Gas in your game today! On sale at DrivethruRPG and the Base Raiders store.

A group of Base Raiders find themselves trapped in the Graveyard of Giant Robots. Built by the Ideal, it is a state-sized cavern in the mantle of the Earth. The old heroes used it to store dead kaiju, wrecked alien spaceships, and decommissioned giant robots. Access is only through teleporters found in various Ideal safehouses but getting in is a lot easier than getting out. Paying for a teleport back to the surface is quite expensive, so the base raiders decide to take a job. Alien refugees want a particular computer back, which is somewhere in the depths of the Graveyard. Finding it in the thousands of square miles of kaiju corpses, swampland, car-sized kaiju parasites, and malfunctioning armed robots, is easier said than done. Who will they find in the Graveyard? Why is the alien computer here? Who is using it? Find out in this special one shot!

dragon-likeMonster of the Week is a PbtA (Powered by the Apocalypse) system game that emulates TV shows like Supernatural, X-Files, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It encourages collaboration between players and GM so this particular game is set in a small town in New Mexico called Taos. Dwight, a Professional from Tartarus Inc. an esoteric-security firm, Tué, a Spell-Slinger, and William, an Expert in the occult, team up to investigate a series of strange events. It begins with teenagers burned to cinders outside of town, but who knows where this mystery will lead to?

This episode’s art was taken from a public domain book. Click here to see more, but the images have spoilers for this AP, so be warned!

Also, this is Shaun’s first posted AP! This is a different player than the guy in Masks of Nyarlathotep.