An middleman named Mr. Bartlett hired a crew of mercenaries in 1899 to help his client ‘acquire’ some land in Montana near the town of Eden. The crew rolls into town expecting to intimidate a few locals into signing away the land but they find something far darker, something forged in blood.

Ross as James Rike, a retired bank robber
Shaun as John Harold, soldier turned farmer
Aaron as Elliot Roth, a geologist
Jay B as Maxwell Coleridge, Texas Ranger turned Pinkerton

Dallas debuted on April 2, 1978, as a five-part miniseries on CBS. Producers initially had no plans for expansion; however, due to the show’s popularity, it was subsequently turned into a regular series and broadcast for 13 full seasons from September 23, 1978, to May 3, 1991. The show is known for its portrayal of wealth, sex, intrigue, conflict and power struggles. Throughout the series, the main premise is the longtime rivalry between the Ewing and Barnes families, which came to head when the Barnes daughter Pamela (Victoria Principal) eloped with youngest Ewing son Bobby (Patrick Duffy), in the first episode.

Shaun as JR
David as Bobby
Tom as Cliff Barnes
Aaron as Pam Barnes
Jason A as Jock

A group of children have been chosen to participate in the greatest contest of their young lives. The Undetected Sanctuary offers magical power to any worthy competitor who can best its challenges. Cool Rat, friend of all kids, runs the contest. In a world of missing superheroes, new heroes must arise. Perhaps these kids can be the first heroes of a new generation.

Tom as Jordan Conner
Shaun as Witch Carolina
Jason B as Jebediah Armstrong
Jason A as Knight Max
Ross as the GM

Laser Chainsaw, a notorious criminal, is gunning for the Oddballs! It turns out that the Oddballs have inadvertently framed him for their many space crimes, so he has come to seek vengeance on them. Outwitting the deadly (and aptly named) criminal will take all their cunning and a bit of luck.

The Oddballs need to retrieve an artifact from a dangerous cult of mutants. After finding the cult’s lair, they’ll need to navigate a dark underground maze without lights because the mutants don’t need light. Simple enough right? Too bad their other enemies are starting to catch up with the Oddballs…