A group of untested agents have been asked to assist a rare book dealer who appears to be suffering from a mental breakdown. However, the dealer has fled into the Coxeter Museum, a small art museum and gallery. When the team enters the building, it quickly becomes apparent that the building’s interior is unlike any other structure they have ever encountered. It is a maze beyond their wildest imagination. Is escape even possible?

This scenario was an entry in the 2016 Shotgun Scenario contest. The map to the museum can be seen here. I also added another shotgun scenario, Unfriendly by Bret Kramer, as a hook to get the PCs into the museum.

The government doesn’t know what to do with all the extradimensional beings, space aliens, and other non-humans running around. They’ve captured quite a few and locked them up in a massive prison. Fortunately, they have a potential savior, Sparkles the Unicorn. Of course, trusting Sparkles can be dangerous in of itself. A hapless group of prisoners is about to find out what happens when they join Sparkles for an adventure…

After the discovery of Machu Picchu, other explorers and archeologists searched for other Inca ruins. A confession of a Spanish occultist who died during the Inquisition is discovered in a library’s archives in the 1930s. It mentions a hidden tomb high up in the Peruvian mountains. Soon, an expedition is formed to look for the hidden tomb but they will find more than treasure buried inside.

The actions of the Gate 9 team have led to a citywide crackdown by the government. That won’t deter the new base raiders from scheming though. A government storage facility has some mighty nice loot, just there for the taking. What could go wrong?

If you enjoy Base Raiders, why not pick up a copy? Get the book and PDF for only $21!

Just One Last Score. Mr. JOLS. It is time for Fallen Flag to seek out Two Banners, a theme park held by a violent cult of archivists. The territory and its resources are invaluable, so Fallen Flag must push the cult out to succeed. Of course, there’s a reason why no one else has wiped out the cult. Their secret weapon may be too much for Fallen Flag to handle, but the die has been cast. Even if the crew takes the water park, what will happen to them? Will they reach retirement? Can they ever be happy again? Find out in the campaign finale of Fallen Flag!

Special art made by Patsy McDowell!