Elizabeth-Solomon-bgNews: A new hero, Elizabeth Solomon, is now available as a PDF supplement. She’s usable as a NPC or pregenerated PC and the PDF includes an adventure hook.

Base raiding is hard to do, but sometimes the greatest difficulty is in finding the base in the first place. When the black market dealer Iconoclast finds a lead on a potential new base, she hires a few up and coming base raiders to help find it. The base in question could have a valuable stash of Ideal super-technology, including the valuable Boost Patches, which provide temporary super powers to any human that uses them. The raiders will have to dig through the dirty secrets of old Hollywood and teleport around the world in order to find the base, but can they do what it takes to cross the threshold? Find out in this thrilling one shot adventure!

Better-Angels-Ch-4-1The end draws near! The Fiendish Four have gained a lead on Terror Track, but where will it take them and what will they uncover? The villain is still out there, plotting something dark and deadly. The stakes have never been higher, but the humble anti-heroes must do what they can to save the school and protect the kids!

0223252-5In 1928, in York County Pennsylvania, two men murdered another because they believed they were being hexed. The crime caught the attention of the country, as many were astounded to discover that some still believed in witches and curses in the 20th century.  Of course, the reality was far darker than even the authorities ever realized. The next year, a group of strangers come together to learn that the Pow-Wow men of York County hold darker secrets than anyone suspected. Secrets worth killing over. Can the strangers come together to find out the truth and stop a great supernatural evil before it’s too late? Find out as a full table of veteran and newbie players plunge into the depths of Hex Hollow!

ba-angelThe troubles of the Fiendish Four never end! Their actions have attracted the attentions of their angelic counterparts, who can pose more danger than any rival demonically possessed superperson. Not only are they equipped with incredible powers, beating up on an angelically possessed person sure sounds like a sin, doesn’t it? But for the sake of the KEEDZZZ, the Fiendish (or Framed Four if you prefer) won’t let them get in their way. Plus, they do have a guy who turn things into other things. Who can beat that?

Eclipse_Phase_The_Devotees-2The Firewall agents sent into Legba have uncovered a conspiracy that threatens all of transhumanity and only they can stop it! Doing so is easier than said than done. Between the ruthless ego traffickers versus the insane cultists and military-grade security systems, do they have a chance of stopping Nine Lives? Their only hope is in turning each faction against the others. Will the agents manipulate the paranoid gangsters and madmen that make up Nine Lives? Find out in the thrilling conclusion of The Devotees!

This adventure was written by Caleb Stokes and is now available for purchase at DrivethruRPG. This AP is a playtest of the scenario so your experiences may vary.