I was going to use another image for this episode but it's a robot panda fighting zombie pandas. HOW CAN I SAY NO TO THISNews: Check out the new Raillery episode featuring Ross, Caleb, and Aaron!

Synopsis: The Firewall team survives the ambush from the bounty hunter, but only narrowly so. In order to continue the investigation, they must enter Triad territory and get answers from the top of the criminal organization. Getting an audience with a fearsome Triad boss isn’t exactly easy so the team must prove themselves worthy first. This requires a combination of finesse, streetwise, and brute strength. Can the team manage to meet the leader of the Triads? What secrets will they learn? Are pandas awesome or what? Find out in Know Evil episode 13!

If it weren't for all the horrible grimdark genocide going on, the world of Eclipse Phase would be pretty neat!Sponsor: For the latest news covering the entire tabletop role-playing industry, turn to Roleplayers Chronicle at roleplayerschronicle.com!

Support Caleb the Know Evil GM in his Kickstarter, No Security!

Synopsis: After barely surviving the ordeal in the Cognite bunker near the Somatek facility, the Firewall team must get to their next lead. Unfortunately it’s a Triad held ship in orbit over the moon. As they make arrangements for their ship, the forks left behind on Venus will have to deal with their own problems, with implications that will affect their future operations.  But even after the main crew arranges transportation to the ship, they find one of their past problems coming back to haunt them.

Go ahead. Quote Planet of the Apes one more time. I dare you. After the chaos of the Robot Uprising in Nectar, the Firewall agents escape to the Somatek habitat to pursue their next lead in the Know Evil conspiracy. There was a Firewall contact at the station, an uplift security chief named Nissum, but he has gone missing. The team must gain entrance into the habitat, track down the missing agent and pursue their investigation. Along the way, they will deal with mercurial uplifts, ape pit fights and a devastating secret that would throw transhumanity into chaos if it became public. Find out what the secret is and what horrors await the agents in this episode of Know Evil!

Forget_Me_Not by Daniel Conway In this episode, the Firewall team must regroup after barely surviving a deadly battle with a powerful group of exsurgents but they will have little time before they must continue their mission. Gerrad finally rejoins the group with a new agent, an ultimate named Maxwell. They are in Nectar, a lunar city divided by morph type. Biomorphs are the elite while the poor must use robotic bodies to work and get around. These class distinctions have created an incendiary atmosphere and it’s only a matter of time before someone lights the fuse. Can the team stop the riots and find out the next clue to Know Evil?

The exsurgent went down there? Uh, let the crazy guy go in first. The Firewall team has taken one step closer to the machinations of the organization behind Know Evil. On the Argonaut station Miter, the team uncovers a plot to ruin the reputation of an important media personality and put to a stop to it. They also find a link to research into TITANs, including a mission to retrieve new specimens from an active TITAN site. The team tracks down the researcher but isn’t prepared for what they find…