space_station_landing_bay_by_klauspillon-d5g53vnThe Jovian chapter of Duality begins! As we learned from Erasure Squad, a group of exhuman terrorists plan to reenact the Fall in the Jovian Republic. But before Firewall can send in a team of sentinels to investigate and stop the exhumans, we turn the narrative to Shepherd station, a small military habitat. It is a refueling and repair depot for the Jovian Fleet and occasionally renders aid to damaged civilian ships. It also becomes the front line in the warbetween Firewall and the exhumans. Who will triumph in the first battle? Find out in this prequel to the main Jovian chapter!

blame-tunnelProxy Cogburn, leader of the Firewall presence on exoplanet Minerva 4, is personally leading a team of agents to explore a possible X-threat on Wormwood, an infamous gatecrashing site. Wormwood is nothing but a massive tunnel network stretching out for hundreds of kilometers in all directions from its gate. It is believed to be an asteroid, but no one has found a way out yet and the tunnels have yet to be fully mapped. Several weeks ago, a Firewall sentinel and gatecrasher stationed on Wormwood detected a rogue team of explorers who breached a wall and disappeared. Given that Wormwood was built by an alien civilization, Firewall needs to make sure the explorers haven’t unleashed some hellish alien technology that could pose a threat to transhumanity. Little do the other agents realize that Cogburn (formerly known as Gerard) might have a hidden agenda.

ep-botThe Firewall team has found the secret lab controlled by the Jante corporation, but can they get its secrets without being killed? Private military contractors are trying to contain the exsurgent infection, which is not yet under control. In order to get the data they need, the team must deal with both the heavily armed mercenaries and the deadly exsurgent-infected abominations.  Of course, the last group of survivors at the Spa may have made things harder for the Firewall team…

titanThe Firewall agents have set up a honey pot operation in order to learn more about the connection between the Tongs and Loren Kristol. Even if their high stakes deception works, how long can they operate before they are detected? The Titanian Commonwealth seems peaceful, but dark forces lurk in the shadows. New Quebec may be as dangerous as the frigid wilderness of Titan!

Eclipse_Phase_RimwardThe Firewall team tasked with finding Loren Kristol have farcast to the Titanian Commonwealth in order to pursue a lead they found on Ceres. Orienting themselves to New Quebec results in a bit of culture shock but they have no choice. Kristol formed a conspiracy with the Tongs and a mysterious corporation. Furthermore, a few of the nomadic Hulder seem to be involved. The Commonwealth prides itself on being the most civilized post-Fall nation, but even it has its dark side. Can the team survive its frigid depths?