Even the heroes of Gate 9 need an occasional break from raiding bases and fighting villains. Thanks to crowdfunding, three brilliant cinematic legends, Tommy Wiseau, Neil Breen, and James Nguyen, were able to create a movie they co-wrote, starred, and directed called The Marcy’s Invisible Veranda of Infinite Light. Find out what twists and turns are in this fine piece of cinema in this very serious movie!  In order to capture its brilliance, I used the RPG It Came From the Late, Late, Late Show with some house rules to run this very important and possibly solah-powered game.

If we look too deeply into the roiling chaos of reality, chaos may look back. The Olympian Holobeam Array, funded in part by the U.S. Department of Energy, was built to delve into a fringe theory of physics. A few hours ago, the Holobeam Array went online. A few minutes ago, it went offline in a catastrophic power surge. Its engineers soon restored power and communications. Its lead researcher said everything was fine. Working Group Icarus is sent in, under cover of a Department of Energy safety inspection. The Agents have no idea what they’ll find when they reach the Array.

Sponsor: If you enjoy this scenario, buy Observer Effect now on PDF! Also, Arc Dream has a lot of material for Delta Green on its official website.

Fallen Flag looks for work in Big Sky country before heading back to Trabajo. Of course, the enclave does not let wandering takers do whatever they want. The team must find a job that won’t get them killed by the local militia or failing that, find out how to outwit them. If they complete this job, only their last score stands between them and retirement.

Sponsor: If you enjoyed this AP, you can buy the scenario it’s based on! Please support Arc Dream by throwing them a few bucks for their work on Delta Green.

Synopsis: Decades ago, an explosion leveled the Hunt Electrodynamics Plant and put most of Hellbend, California, out of work. Now the town is nearly dead. Only eighty-two people call the crumbling remains of Hellbend home, and those few don’t look to the future. They get by on what they can, selling gas and goods to tourists on the way to the Death Valley National Park and biding their time. In another few years, Hellbend will die a natural death, shriveling up in the 110-degree summer heat, leaving behind a skeleton of ruined buildings as a monument to a better time.

But in the last month, something else has worn away at the town, something decidedly unnatural. If the murder rate in Hellbend continues, it’ll die a lot faster than a few years, and a lot more violently than just another victim of some dead industry.

Someone or something is killing the residents of Hellbend, California. No one knows who or what it is. Working Group Icarus has been tasked to find the killer and stop them.

Fallen Flag travels back west to a new enclave but before they reach it, they must survive the trip. A critically injured witness must be silenced before he alerts anyone. Casualties block the rails. Deals must be struck. More importantly, the team must stay together even though tensions between them have never been higher. Will they avoid killing each other before they arrive at the next leg of their journey?