Peter Silvertail, rabbit at lawIn this episode, the heroes of New Arcadia have recovered from their confrontation in the abandoned Ideal base, but they have to deal with new complications in New Arcadia. They have new allies, Quasar and Galileo, but they must find a place for them to fit in. The heroes have a rare chance to socialize with some of their friends with a dinner party! Also, Norm gets a job. Clearly, this is a must listen episode.

I regret everything!Sponsor: For the latest news covering the entire tabletop role-playing industry, turn to Roleplayers Chronicle at!

Synopsis: The agents of the Empire have delved deep into the wilderness to find the source of evil and stop it. After meeting with the Eater of the Dead, an exiled druid, they find the final destination of their quest. Can they stop the evil without sacrificing their sanity? Have they already gone too far? Find out in the epic conclusion of Cthulhu Invictus!

I was going to use another image for this episode but it's a robot panda fighting zombie pandas. HOW CAN I SAY NO TO THISNews: Check out the new Raillery episode featuring Ross, Caleb, and Aaron!

Synopsis: The Firewall team survives the ambush from the bounty hunter, but only narrowly so. In order to continue the investigation, they must enter Triad territory and get answers from the top of the criminal organization. Getting an audience with a fearsome Triad boss isn’t exactly easy so the team must prove themselves worthy first. This requires a combination of finesse, streetwise, and brute strength. Can the team manage to meet the leader of the Triads? What secrets will they learn? Are pandas awesome or what? Find out in Know Evil episode 13!

If it weren't for all the horrible grimdark genocide going on, the world of Eclipse Phase would be pretty neat!Sponsor: For the latest news covering the entire tabletop role-playing industry, turn to Roleplayers Chronicle at!

Support Caleb the Know Evil GM in his Kickstarter, No Security!

Synopsis: After barely surviving the ordeal in the Cognite bunker near the Somatek facility, the Firewall team must get to their next lead. Unfortunately it’s a Triad held ship in orbit over the moon. As they make arrangements for their ship, the forks left behind on Venus will have to deal with their own problems, with implications that will affect their future operations.  But even after the main crew arranges transportation to the ship, they find one of their past problems coming back to haunt them.

Picher Oklahoma is a real place and it is a real fucked up town. News: Support RPPR regular Caleb with his new Kickstarter! This is your chance to get Bryson Springs, Lover in the Ice and other original scenarios.

Synopsis: Delta Green can’t afford to send out agents on every mission. On low priority missions, they use friendlies, who are personnel with mythos experience but have not been inducted into the conspiracy. When an informant tips off Delta Green about a company up to no good in Picher Oklahoma, they send out a team of friendlies to investigate. However, little do they realize that they will stumble upon an ancient war between two mythos factions and that not everyone is entirely honest…