Grace & Glory Camp for Wayward Youth: Train Up Your Child has been operating in the North Idaho wilderness for almost twenty years. Promising to shape troubled teens into productive members of society, Grace & Glory has enjoyed scenic vistas, an abundance of fresh air, and very generous zoning regulations from the local township. However a particularly violent incident at the Old Quarry involving the camp’s troubled teens and a camp counselor threatens to upset the natural balance.

Local law enforcement is called in to investigate, but the unnatural nature of the crime and reported Occult symbolism of Grace & Glory sees Delta Green staffing the investigative team with friendlies and a handler. What horrible secrets will they uncover? OPERATION: SHADOWS REST is a time-sensitive probe that may warrant the use of extreme and overwhelming force in the face of a deadly memetic hazard. Who, or what, is “Our King” mentioned in the yellow camp bibles?

Content warning: Dream-Away Camp contains explicit or implied scenes of violence that listeners may find disturbing.

If you would like to support RPPR’s “Most Innovative” GM, Bridget’s patreon can be found here.

Special thanks to Haiz Olaussen for creating the art for Dream-Away Camp. They can be found on Twitter as @bogmood and on Patreon here.

The landscape was full of machines and scrap metal connected to the facility in one way or another. Always present on the horizon were the colossal cooling towers, with their green obstruction lights. If you put your ear to the ground, you could hear the heartbeat of the Loop – the purring of the Gravitron, the central piece of engineering magic that was the focus of the Loop’s experiments. The facility was the largest of its kind in the world, and it was said that its forces could bend space-time itself. In the town near the Loop, a group of kids find themselves embroiled in a mystery about a product launch of a new line of action toys.It seems the weirdness from the Loop is leaking out!

A group of heroes, scholars, spies, and thrill seekers converge at a hangar to examine a wondrous drilling machine. When the group is attacked by a horde of masked gunmen, the group escapes in the machine, drilling down into the Hollow Earth. There, they find themselves in a strange city state ruled by intelligent apes and chimps, and where humans are the slaves. Can our heroes escape the arena and find a way back home?

The city is under complete lockdown as the Ground Self Defense Forces secure Tokyo, quarantining all women between the ages of 15 and 35. Shadow monsters have grown to impossible sizes, feeding off the chaos and despair of the panicked citizens. With only a handful of magical girls left, the last seal locking away “The Beast” is weakening. This is the moment the girls have been preparing for: one last chance to save the world, as they risk everything—friends, family, girlfriends—in a desperate shot at freedom.

Download a desktop wallpaper of all 4 magical girls on the RPPR Patreon!

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In the grim and dark future, there is only war. After the Great Rift tore the Imperium in two, every solar system struggles against the crushing weight of humanity’s enemies. Servants of the Imperium from disparate services are flung together as warbands, sent to complete the most dangerous missions. One warband travels to the world of Enoch in the Gilead system to retrieve a wounded comrade. However, a new threat looms over the planet. Can the warband discover the source of corruption and stop it?