"Be an officer in the army, they said. It would look good in the Imperial Court, they said."The final battle of the war is only the beginning of trouble for Xin’s Crows! The Grey Sky Horde will finally meet the Imperial army on the field of battle, but Xin’s Crows have their own problems. The conspiracy against the Imperial Court must be stopped, not out of love for the Great Empire, but so the Crows can fulfill their own goals. Vo comes up with an ingenious plan to stop the conspiracy, but will it work? Find out how the “Double Hamlet” plan works in this last adventure before the epilogue for the campaign begins!

Not pictured: The legions of goblins who serve under ToruToru the vampire seems to be the key to unraveling the conspiracy, so the Ronin investigate his background to gain an edge. This leads them through the seedy underworld of host clubs, cosplayers, and occultists. Of course that isn’t the only challenge for the Ronin. The vampires offer them a chance to negotiate for peace. In a rare encounter without violence, the Ronin talk to an older man, apparently the leader of the conspiracy. He offers them an intriguing opportunity to learn the motives of the conspiracy. Can they possibly accept the deal? Thanks to Crazon for the art!

This is what the stronghold looks like before the PCs arrive.Not quite the same after. B-)Xin’s Crows have landed on the pirate stronghold island, but taking down the pirates won’t be easy. In this double-length episode, the Crows launch a desperate plan to topple the pirates by starting a slave rebellion. The adventurers must split up to achieve their other goal of retrieving certain scrolls from the pirate queen’s mansion. It’s a gamble, but they must take the risk. Find out how they fare!

We can't stop here. This is vampire country.The Ronin need to learn more of the mysterious drug peddled by the vampires, but they find a potential lead. A mid-level Yakuza dealer nicknamed American Joe sells a variant drug based on the same flower. The Ronin decide that kidnapping and interrogating him would shine some insight into the situation. However, American Joe is paranoid and well-protected. Getting him out of a hole in the wall bar while he is surrounded by armed bodyguards will not be easy. Fortunately, the Ronin are nothing if not problem solvers. Thanks to Crazon for the art!

Cities: Slightly less dangerous than swamps and the desertXin’s Crows have reached a bastion of civilization after their long journey through the wilderness. The port city offers many opportunities and many dangers. Vo needs a line of credit to pursue her destiny, which requires gaining the trust of the bankers. This means dealing with a group of pirates and their island lair. The risks are great but so is the potential profit. But before they leave, each Crow has their own issues to deal with – from personal intrigue to religious conflict. A new chapter begins for the Crows!