The Hunting Pack has to fulfill a lot of prophecies, which might cause the downfall of a kingdom! Dwenar’s love, a princess who has gone to the nunnery, is willing to sacrifice anything for him. Will Dwenar reciprocate? More importantly, will he survive the fall after Scarl shoves him out the window? Why is Scarl doing that in the first place? I guess you’ll have to listen to find out!

The Hunting Pack’s quest to unite the tribes continues! Diplomacy must finish the job that war began but the mercenaries may not be up to the task. Persuading cannibal sorcerers to change their ways peacefully requires either the most talented negotiators in history or perhaps the invention of a new societal ritual. Blood yams, anyone?

A bank is robbed in Los Angeles but it seems to defy all logic. Safe deposit boxes were sawed open but the vault itself was not breached. The door remained closed the entire night. When FBI investigators start to examine the mystery, they find the victim and suspect were both members of an unusual book club.

This scenario was written as part of the 2018 Shotgun Scenario Contest. You can read the entry here.

The Hunting Pack must unite the tribes of Nagalisitu if they wish to bring them the benefits of civilization and education. It will take a mixture of diplomacy, intrigue, and violence to win them over. Slaying some of the mighty leech cats may impress one of the tribes, but that’s a big IF.

The Hunting Pack has been charged with guiding a new civilization, but before they can help the people of Nagalisitu, they must survive the court of Daryl the Squinty-Eyed! The angry king has arrested several members of the Pack for dereliction of duty. In order to survive, they must win a court battle against an old nemesis. Can they survive a naked trial?