gugThe quest of the dreamers takes them to the Underworld. Their earlier adventures pale to the nightmarish dangers that face them in the gloomy darkness of the endless caverns ahead. A strange guide offers to help, but only for a price he refuses to name. Even with the guide’s help, countless horrors lurk in the shadows. Their journey will take them to the city of the Gugs, a monstrous race of giants. Can the dreamers infiltrate such a Cyclopean stronghold?

cyberpunk__hacker_place_by_dsorokin755-d75gjc7The gatecrashers have escaped from the clutches of the hypercorps, but they now realize they must go back in to retrieve their memories. Their goal is inside the green zone of Pathfinder City, the capital of the exoplanet colony, and in order to get access, the team must overcome the high security of the zone. There’s also the small matter of the prisoners being held inside. Will the team risk even more in order to rescue them? A single misstep could doom the entire team.

handman2The Dreamers have finally crossed the ocean, but the city of Lhosk may prove to be even more dangerous. The Men from Leng trade in the city freely and it seems the citizens of Lhosk do not suspect their true allegiances. The Dreamers must find passage to Ulthar while avoiding the Men from Leng, a task easier said than done. Furthermore, they must add a new dreamer who has joined the group, but will he adapt to this strange new land?

News: Please back No Soul Left Behind (formerly known as the Spared and the Spoiled) on Kickstarter! Caleb will cry if you don’t!

A group of scientists and gatecrashers find themselves on a distant exoplanet named Minerva 4, part of a secret hypercorp research project. The group quickly realizes their memories have been edited, leaving a long stretch of time missing. Furthermore, they are in a remote facility far from a colony city run by Pathfinder. What secrets does this facility hold? Who edited their memories? The more the team investigates, the deeper the mystery runs. Learn the secrets of the mirrored pillar!

rickmortySo there’s this show called Rick and Morty. It’s about a mad scientist (Rick) and his grandson (Morty) going on adventures throughout time and space. In one episode, it is revealed that there is an organization called the Council of Ricks, composed of many Ricks throughout the countless parallel universes. In this special one shot, each player is a Rick and Morty team sent by the Council to investigate a strange alien planet. What secrets does this planet hold? Can a team of Ricks from very different alternate universes work together as a team? Probably not, but you may be surprised!