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Delta Green has an unusual asset, a person who can provide vital information on any number of investigations. She is a volatile asset though, so keeping her…intact requires work on the part of Delta Green. But when she reports on a potentially cataclysmic threat, a cell of agents is dispatched to investigate a small community in Maine to find the threat. This scenario is taken from Fear’s Sharp Little Needles.


Ragnarok is here! The Dwarven Destroyers bear down on your holdfast. A cult dedicated to Loki foments deadly mischief within your walls. The local seer envisions young warriors throwing off clan ties, merging with the spirits of giants to save their holdfast. Fight, bleed, sacrifice, and save your people for as long as you can. The game’s creator, Tracy Barnett, ran a one shot for Caleb, a few RPPR fans, and I at Origins 2018. Enjoy!

If you like the game, check out its Kickstarter.

In the grim and dark future, there is only war. After the Great Rift tore the Imperium in two, every solar system struggles against the crushing weight of humanity’s enemies. Servants of the Imperium from disparate services are flung together as warbands, sent to complete the most dangerous missions. One warband travels to the world of Enoch in the Gilead system to retrieve a wounded comrade. However, a new threat looms over the planet. Can the warband discover the source of corruption and stop it?

A so-called ‘biohacker’ in Florida is conducting suspicious research in Florida. Delta Green has activated a team of agents to go undercover as potential financial investors in the biohacker’s company. It was supposed to be a relatively safe mission, just a meeting or two, in a public office space. When the team awakens in a strange place they don’t recognize, they know things have gone wrong.

It’s been a long day’s travel, and the sun is just beginning to go down as you see an inn in the distance. As you draw closer, you see the sign of three feathers hanging outside, and notice that the place is unusually busy.

Inside, the inn is bustling. servants are hurrying to and fro, and the innkeeper is engrossed in conversation with a scribe who carries a visibly bulging purse. “Welcome,” he says at last, “I’m sorry to have kept you waiting for so long, but as you can see, we have a distinguished guest tonight—the Gravin Maria-Ulrike von Liebewitz of Ambosstein, no less…I hardly know whether I’m coming or going with it all. Now, then—you want a room? What am I saying, of course you do. Ah, excuse me again, I’ll only be a moment.” You wait for another few minutes as he directs a train of servants to the Gravin’s rooms. “So sorry,” he says as he returns to you, “It really is mad this evening.”

This scenario was run by Noah of the Maple Syrup, Blood Money podcast.