yithian__keeper_of_the_great_library_by_moonxels-d5nrc3eThe ruins of the Great City of Pnaktous await! The investigators have learned that the cult of the Crawling Chaos is excavating the ancient city for reasons unknowable, but to thwart the cult, the heroes will chase them to the ends of the earth. Exploring the depths of this inhuman city is not without its own dangers, aside from the cultists. Strange artifacts, hazardous ruins, and terrifying monsters lurking in the darkness. Perhaps the team will find aid in the most likely of allies though…

dread-moon-v2In the near future, Elon Musk will build a base on the Moon and then open it up for tourism. The first batch of moon tourists (chosen by raffle of course) find out that not all is well in Moonbase Alpha, despite the best efforts of the corporate sponsors. Each of the seven tourists has a secret agenda of course, agendas worth killing for. Who will live? Who will betray the others? Find out in our special Halloween one shot run by guest GM, Ethan and with a new guest player, Eric!

flying_polyp_by_borjapindado-d6wdbnzSponsor: The Delta Green Kickstarter is on!. The Iconoclasts scenario stretch goal has been unlocked! Check out the FREE Quickstart guide with a demo adventure.

The investigators leave civilization to travel into the interior of the Australian outback, a dangerous journey even with the latest 20th century technology aiding them. Aside from the blistering heat, lethal wildlife and other hazards associated with the desert, they will have to face insane cultists and supernatural abominations from beyond time and space. Once they draw near the dig site, they find that reality is more permeable than they previously thought. When the line between the waking world and the dreaming world is too thin, what will happen?


dracula-goldDRACULA HAS TOO DAMN MUCH GOLD. Also he’s been kind of a jerk lately, what with the blood drainings and whatnot. So a group of peasants march on his castle to deal with him once and for all. They hope their superior numbers will result in victory, jamming death traps with their corpses, and overbearing any guardians. But before they slay Dracula, the peasants hope to loot the castle and thus gain a way out of the grinding cycle of peasant life. Of course, between the traps, monsters, and ancient artifacts held in the castle, who knows what will happen? Let the carnage begin!

haunter2The investigators have finally arrived in Australia. They have learned of a mysterious expedition to the interior of the country, but to what end, they do not know. They do know that the Lamplighter cult and their esoteric masters want them to follow the expedition, into the Outback. But before the team journeys into the desert, they must gather supplies, investigate leads, and perform research. Naturally, the cults of the Crawling Chaos are not far behind them.