In this episode of the New Arcadia campaign, our heroes have begun the fight against the Syndicate – a powerful criminal organization dedicated to consolidating its control over all organized crime in the state. It achieves this through the use of illegal super-soldier technology. Their enforcers are capable of taking down dozens of normal thugs in a battle so they have taken most of the city’s criminal underworld. But our heroes have a lead on the tech used to make the super soldiers. Find out what the lead uncovers in this episode!

I was fortunate enough to meet up with Ennie-award winner Kirin Robinson at this year’s Gencon and talk him into running a session of his game, Old School Hack. It’s a free, rules-light game of adventuring and dungeon crawling. Characters can be fighters or dwarves but not dwarven fighters. Caleb and I joined Simeon and Meg from the Arc Dream crew with the Angry DM as we went on a quest of liberation and adventure!

We played these games a while ago. Funny story about this. I thought we played 3 sessions but in fact, Tom ran 4 sessions of this mini campaign. I scheduled these games to be posted while I was away at Gencon 2011. I did not think that there was a fourth game until a listener commented about it to me. So, I checked the archives and found the ACTUAL conclusion of the game. So, uh, enjoy the dramatic finale of Tom’s action extravaganza!

The battle between the Terminator and the League reach an epic conclusion. The terminator has one last gambit – to storm NORAD and trigger Judgment Day. In order to stop him, our heroes and their allies have to confront the deadly cyborg and his personal army. All this and more in the dramatic conclusion of The Modern League of Extraordinary Gentlemen – Judgment Day!

  The unlikely heroes of the modern league have discovered that a T-800 Terminator has been secretly planning to cause Judgment Day. In order to stop him, they must find and destroy a secret weapon factory. Of course that factory is heavily guarded – including a certain mecha made by the OCP Corporation…