In a world of magic, dragons, and adventurers, a simple village finds itself at the frontline. An errant wish made by a fool unleashes a new monster never seen before in this world. Can the surviving villagers find a way to defeat the graboids or will they all be dragged under the earth? (Graboids are the monsters from the Tremors film series, if you aren’t aware.)

Birk, Baz, Aaron, and Tom as various villagers. View the stats of each peasant squad by clicking on the player’s name.
Ross as the GM.

A group of three adventurers are on a storm-wracked ship, seeking the island of a long-forgotten, abandoned temple to the Sea Demon. An extinct people sacrificed wealth and their own criminals and rulers at the temple to quell the demon’s wrath. Untold treasure is said to just be lying there. Are the heroes bold or ruthless enough to claim it?

brandolyn-coverThe village of Portnelle is once again bright and festive. After years of feuding, the town’s most prominent and influential families will finally be making peace as the youngest generations are joined in marriage. However, when an evil born of dark secrets refuses to stay buried, blood will flow like wine at the reception.

This wedding is one your fellow villagers will talk about for generations!

Buy the adventure on DrivethruRPG if you want to run it for your group.

perilsMost find death in the crumbling ruins that stretch beyond sight into the mists south of the Great City; once rich districts now claimed by swamp and dark denizens. But for the desperate folk of the city, the ruins offer treasures the Great City denies them: fortune, glory, and a fighting chance!

The massive crumbling ruins of the swamp-ravaged Sunken City await! The way is filled with peril, but those who survive will be ready to face even more dangerous fare!

Thanks to Purple Sorcerer Games for sending us a PDF of this adventure for us to run. If you like this adventure, consider getting it.

dracula-goldDRACULA HAS TOO DAMN MUCH GOLD. Also he’s been kind of a jerk lately, what with the blood drainings and whatnot. So a group of peasants march on his castle to deal with him once and for all. They hope their superior numbers will result in victory, jamming death traps with their corpses, and overbearing any guardians. But before they slay Dracula, the peasants hope to loot the castle and thus gain a way out of the grinding cycle of peasant life. Of course, between the traps, monsters, and ancient artifacts held in the castle, who knows what will happen? Let the carnage begin!