Slender Man likes camping. With you. In this episode, the investigators are drawn to a goth concert held in an abandoned insane asylum. To learn more about Slender Man and the secrets that will be key to stopping him, they must find the artist hosting the concert and learn what they know. But it won’t be easy.  The artist has a few surprises of her own.

Hi, I had an appointment. Can I come in?I’m on a trip right now but that doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy some fine Actual Play episodes.

The Slender Man campaign continues. In case you don’t remember, the characters from Candle Cove were reused for a campaign I never finished about Slender Man. In this episode, they start to pick up the pieces and figure out how to deal with Tom’s character and other threats. Enjoy!

Forget_Me_Not by Daniel Conway In this episode, the Firewall team must regroup after barely surviving a deadly battle with a powerful group of exsurgents but they will have little time before they must continue their mission. Gerrad finally rejoins the group with a new agent, an ultimate named Maxwell. They are in Nectar, a lunar city divided by morph type. Biomorphs are the elite while the poor must use robotic bodies to work and get around. These class distinctions have created an incendiary atmosphere and it’s only a matter of time before someone lights the fuse. Can the team stop the riots and find out the next clue to Know Evil?

Raven Releasing the Sun by Todd Jason BakerAfter our recent episode about the World of Darkness, I decided to return to it for a one shot. What I originally planned as a 2 to 3 hour game became a 5 hour epic and possible start of an episodic campaign

A group of writers and artists have traveled to Anderson Island, Washington in October 1980 for a retreat and workshop.  A place where they can work and study in peace. Little do they know of the evil buried on the island. After a night of shared nightmares, the first murder convinces a small group of writers to look into the secrets of the island, namely the secretive Christensen family and the ancient myths of Raven and Xelas. But can these temperamental creatives actually work together and solve the mystery or will they perish to the curse of Anderson Island?