Ze Germans are the least of your worriesNews: Don’t forget to support RPPR by backing our Kickstarter, Base Raiders!

If you like this scenario, please support Pagan Publishing by buying their excellent books!

Synopsis: At Gencon 2012, we were fortunate enough to play and record the playtest of a World War 1 scenario written by Mr. Glancy and Frank Frey. In the Blegian city of Leuven, a man is murdered in an impossible manner – taken out of a locked room and thrown from a great height, his body dashed across the street a great distance away. The German occupation force wishes the murder solved quickly and without incident. To that end, they’ve assembled an unlikely task force of Belgians, Americans, and Germans. Given the backdrop of war, atrocity, and the occult, can this group of investigators find the real murderer before it’s too late?

He's got a great bedside mannerNews: Support the RPPR Kickstarter, Base Raiders and get early access to 10 preview AP episodes months before their release!

Synopsis: The hospital has shown its dark side to the patients of Ward 2, but more horrors await them. The patients won’t go down without a fight though. As each patient tries to figure out the mystery behind the night nurses and other abominations that stalk the halls of Our Lady’s. As a winter storm further isolates the patients from the outside world, will they manage to survive the tender mercies of the bird-masked doctor? Find out in the chilling finale of Invasive Procedures!

The doctor will see you now :DI picked up the scenario Invasive Procedures at Gencon this year and I ran it for some of the RPPR crew as a 3 part game. I’ve decided to post the games as a build up to Halloween. I think you’ll enjoy these episodes. From the scenario’s introduction:

The kids all say Our Lady’s Hospital is haunted. You can see why, when you look at it, that big gloomy pile of staring windows and rusting beds. They should have torn the place down years ago, instead of letting it linger on like this. I’d hate to be a patient there. They send you there to die.

You are a patient in an old, rambling hospital. Part of it is shut down, part of it lies in decay. The equipment is out of date, the staff are unmotivated and the whole place reeks of disinfectant, death and seventy years of despair. The hospital has ghosts and spirits walking the halls but they are the least of your worries. You should be afraid of what comes out at night. You should be afraid of what makes the ghosts flee.”

The most conservative jurors of a scum swarmIn this episode, the Firewall team finds itself in a delicate situation. After a botched raid on a group of snuff XP producers, the team is forced to undergo the justice system of the anarchist scum swarm. This turns out to be a rather complex political challenge, as the team must win over as many of the factions as possible in order to stay on the swarm. Of course, even a scum swarm has some leaders, like the security chief, Singh, who wants the team gone. But even as the trial goes on, each agent must carry on with their work, including dealing with multiple potential existential threats at once. Can Bartleby, Preston and Feiyin win the anarchist trial of the century? Find out in Know Evil episode 18!

News: If you’re a fan of former RPPR regular Cody, check out his new Kickstarter, Noir City!

Earth may be a post-apocalyptic hellhole but at least you don't have to worry about the TSA when traveling. Last year I ran an improvised game of Eclipse Phase for RJ, Aaron, and Drew. Since I had little time to prep, we used pregenerated characters (with some customization) and a plot I came up with fairly quickly. Dead Run is about a Firewall team sent to Earth to pick up a survivor and then check out a potential anti-TITAN weapon detected near the Cheyenne Mountains. Will they survive the horrors? Find out in Dead Run!