The most conservative jurors of a scum swarmIn this episode, the Firewall team finds itself in a delicate situation. After a botched raid on a group of snuff XP producers, the team is forced to undergo the justice system of the anarchist scum swarm. This turns out to be a rather complex political challenge, as the team must win over as many of the factions as possible in order to stay on the swarm. Of course, even a scum swarm has some leaders, like the security chief, Singh, who wants the team gone. But even as the trial goes on, each agent must carry on with their work, including dealing with multiple potential existential threats at once. Can Bartleby, Preston and Feiyin win the anarchist trial of the century? Find out in Know Evil episode 18!

News: If you’re a fan of former RPPR regular Cody, check out his new Kickstarter, Noir City!

Metachaos by  Alessandro BavariInspired by METACHAOS by Alessandro Bavari.

This episode dates back from last year’s Halloween but I had forgotten about it until today so I decided to share with you all now. A group of New Yorkers are lured overseas by a human trafficking syndicate for a sinister purpose – to be thrown into a mysterious structure known only as the Construct. The rules of reality are seemingly suspended inside but there is a dark logic at work. Two alien intelligences are at war. Can this group of unlikely survivors figure out how to escape the Construct and their captors?

Not technically related to the campaign, but this is art from the upcoming Base Raiders RPG. Enjoy!Check out the Base Raiders website to preview the next major RPPR project!

The Heroes of New Arcadia have righted many wrongs and saved many lives but no good deed goes unpunished forever. Their enemies launch a raid on their unprotected base, resulting in a major fight that pushes the group to their limits. After the battle, they decide to strike back but first they have to determine which of their many enemies attacked them and how they can best get revenge. Find out who their mystery foe is in this episode!

This is actually a safer and saner plan than what the Firewall team actually did in this episode. In this episode of Know Evil, the Firewall team pursues multiple agendas as they attempt to blend in with the scum swarm society. SAIRAC, the AGI, must learn to become more human in order to avoid detection when they leave the relative safety of the swarm. Bartleby must fulfill several Firewall missions. Gerrard has a chance to learn the truth of his own past on Earth. All the while, the team is pursued by their enemies, both personal and otherwise. As things start to go awry, the team decides to raid a group of criminals as part of a Firewall mission. Of course the raid does not go well…

Yelp review: Great for all your castle needs but definitely too much mist. And evil. 2/5 stars. At Gencon this year, we got to play a game of Shadows of Esteren, as one of the game’s translators was nice enough to run it for us. While we did not have time to fully complete the scenario, we all had a great time playing the game.

A group of amnesiac travelers find themselves trapped in a strange building, beset by enemies on all sides. Even though they don’t know their own names, they will have to band together if they hope to survive and escape the wretched place. Find out what nightmares lurk in the Shadows of Esteren. Please note this is a con game, so it is noisier than normal.