In my headcanon, Night Vale Community Radio actually has more than 1 show  :OIn this special one shot, we try out a new indie RPG called Itras By, but instead of using its setting, we explore the wonderful little desert town of Night Vale! A group of students at the local Community College are members of the Traditional Games club and tonight happens to be board game night! Unfortunately, some of the game pieces from the club’s accursed copy of Chiromagica are missing, so the players must retrieve them from the abandoned Geology building. What possible horrors could confront them there? Plastic bags, perhaps? An unspeakable presence that lurks out of sight, eternally hungry? The Library of books discarded from other libraries? Difficult test questions? Obscure holy texts? There’s only one way to find out…

Download Beyond the Vale, starring Thad, featured in this episode.

Well, shit :/Caleb’s new campaign begins with a bang! A group of unlikely protagonists is imbued with demonic superpowers after a group of supervillains die during an attack on a charter school, the Brighter Futures Academy. Unfortunately, not all of the villains died, so the newly empowered antiheroes must fight an experienced foe only minutes after receiving their powers. What slew the original villains? Who are the new superhumans? There’s only one way to find out!

We've got backup this time! Can you believe it? Oh my god, this is so awesome! Wait, why are they all wearing red shirts?The Ronin have found the secret hideout of Sheng’s cult and have called in the authorities for a final assault on the notorious terrorist group ‘Empty Five’. Despite the attack helicopters and platoons of heavily armed soldiers on their side, the Ronin know that victory or death will come in their own skills and preparation. They know they have the right weapons and as much knowledge as they can bear, but Sheng always seems to have a secret or two up his sleeve. Then there’s the matter of an Iron-Banded Box….

Night fell and the hours dragged on, but still we murmured to each other of the King and the Pallid Mask, and midnight sounded from the misty spires in the fog-wrapped city. We spoke of Hastur and of Cassilda, while outside the fog rolled against the blank window-panes as the cloud waves roll and break on the shores of Hali.An earthquake links a group of survivors together. If not for a seemingly miraculous event, they should have all died. Drawn to a mysterious professor who seems to know how and why they were saved, the survivors agree to follow him on a trip to a strange city. The city was built by visionaries but has been forgotten by history. Where is it? What secrets lurk within? The survivors know they must answer these questions or the they will never find peace. But once inside, the survivors find that leaving the city may be impossible. What price will they pay to find a way out?

I choose you...TO DIEThe Ronin have returned to their own time and have decided to take on Sheng. They need critical intel from Sheng’s cult. Of course, the cult’s headquarters are heavily guarded so gaining access will be no easy task. But the Ronin are nothing if not creative problem solvers. An infiltration plan that includes the use of a popular children’s character, sniper rifles, and going undercover as a new cultist will be the last thing Sheng expects.No plan works perfectly though. Can the Ronin escape with the intel before they’re caught?