Vector-v1Justice exists in the Loss, albeit in a crude and unfair manner. The Brutalists are hired to help enforce the law by escorting a prisoner through the Loss to a tribunal for a ‘trial’, sentencing, and punishment. Of course, justice is more about politics and keeping the peace out here. If the innocent have to die in order to appease the masses, so be it. They take on a new team member and take a side trek in order to make even more profit. Of course, no endeavor is without its risks. The side trek may cost more than just profit if their gamble does not pay off.

rocky2As you know, we only play serious, grim, and dark role playing games, so we have continued this legacy with a daring indie storytelling game of a moose and squirrel hunted by a rogue government assassin and a femme fatale. Find out the truth behind the secret of the ‘jet fuel’ that some are willing to kill to get.

general-order11News: Why were we gone for so long? Read this for more info. We are now on a new web host, so hopefully, everything will be smooth sailing from here on out.

Amidst the chaotic guerrilla warfare of Civil War Missouri, a small force of Union militia troops is tasked with carrying out General Order No. 11, the expulsion of all civilians from four counties on the Kansas-Missouri border. But each soldier has his own motivations, not all of them noble. When they encounter some unusual opposition, their commitment to their mission, their unit, and even their sanity will be tested.

This is an early playtest version of this scenario, and also Ethan’s first time running Trail of Cthulhu.

rm-gearBecause the enclave of Le Corbusier is close to the Recession, every once in a while tourists from the zombie-free part of the country visit to go on a ‘safari.’ Specifically, they hire takers to guide them out into the Loss so they can shoot as many zombies as they want. The Brutalists are taking a father and son out for just such a safari. The father also hired out a latent bodyguard, who seems to have his own agenda. This is no simple run and gun job though. Nothing is that simple in the Loss.

perilsMost find death in the crumbling ruins that stretch beyond sight into the mists south of the Great City; once rich districts now claimed by swamp and dark denizens. But for the desperate folk of the city, the ruins offer treasures the Great City denies them: fortune, glory, and a fighting chance!

The massive crumbling ruins of the swamp-ravaged Sunken City await! The way is filled with peril, but those who survive will be ready to face even more dangerous fare!

Thanks to Purple Sorcerer Games for sending us a PDF of this adventure for us to run. If you like this adventure, consider getting it.