The Gate 9 team needs to check out a recently discovered base. It has a vast menagerie of genetically engineered fighting animals conditioned to obey the orders of the adolescents that capture them and use them for pit fighting. It’s been sealed off since Ragnarok, so no one knows how bad it’s gotten since then.

Trey and Saul each have a goal that takes them to the New York Underground and the rest of the crew tags along. Trey wants an Ideal Teleporter to upgrade the Brass Door. Saul wants to consult with Charon, the mythical ferry keeper and possibly the most powerful supernatural being on the planet. Between shrink rays and wandering ghouls, both team members have their work cut out for them!

The Gate 9 crew find themselves in the middle of the civil rights for non-humans struggle. A massive rally is being held in Chicago, near the Brass Door and the team must do what they can to prevent any violence from breaking out. The government wants to stop or discredit the protestors, of course, but countering them without getting out a public fight is easier said than done.

The Gate 9 team is heading into space! Well, Mars, to be more specific. After figuring out how to operate an Ideal teleporter, the team can now access a hidden base on the red planet. Of course, the Ideal had their own secrets to keep and some of the darkest ones are on Mars. What will the team find and how will they deal with the base’s current inhabitants? Because an abandoned Martian base is never fully abandoned…

The Gate 9 crew has a new lead on an Ideal base in the Southwest, a former Ideal-centered town called Idealville. However, the town has a dark secret in an abandoned mine just out of city limits. The town’s economy is booming, so it seems everyone is in on it, but what exactly is the scam and more importantly can our intrepid heroes discover it and still make it out alive?