rppr-banner-1Sponsor: Biohazard Games is running a Kickstarter for Upwind. If you enjoy this AP, back the game! Ross is set to write a campaign for Upwind as a stretch goal.

Synopsis: Wherein the player characters are Knights of the Guild’s 5th Fleet, obligated by the Treaties of the Convocation to police the skies of the failing nation of Vault. Recently, the region has come under siege by the Dread Pirate Margit (pronounced Mar•geet) and her heavily armed frigate Hawk. The characters undertake a clever false flag mission posing as desperate merchants in an attempt to lure Margit out into the open and bring her to justice. Unfortunately, in the dangerous skies of Upwind things are not always as they seem and the Knights may learn that even great wrongs can sometimes be right.

rmff3Fallen Flag finds a job working for a faction inside Trabajo, one that will benefit the enclave itself. They must extract sensors from vending machines in a nearby high school. For some reason, the building is intact and the sensors are intact. No one seems to occupy it, a fact that troubles the takers, but they must do the job regardless of what awaits them. Of course, getting there and back poses its own problems, as Fallen Flag discovers. Sometimes what looks like an opportunity is just another threat.

composer1For a long as anyone can remember, the residents of the sleepy community of Hephaestus’ Link have lived in the shadow of the Great Necropolis. A hidden city of the dead that rests upon a massive island floating less that 10 miles from island-ring community. No one in the town knows who built it or how it came to rest so near to their remote trading islands.. While most of the residents of Hephaestus’ Link feel slightly unnerved with the silent city looming over their community, most consider it a benign structure, being only a source of ghost stories for the elders to scare their grandchildren. However, one of those stories seems to have come true. Tales of strange music and an unearthly howling has been circulating around the town by Cloud Sailors from visiting ships. Fearing the rumors could stop valuable trade ships from docking, the mayor of Hephaestus’ Link has called upon adventurers to investigate this hidden city of the dead and discover why it has suddenly come to life again…

fflag1After their score, Fallen Flag looks for work. They soon find a simple job, delivering cooking oil to a nearby enclave called the Coop. Fresh cooking oil is a valuable commodity in the Loss now that almost all of the prepackaged food from before the Crash has been eaten or has spoiled. Crossing a zombie-filled wasteland carrying heavy jugs of cooking oil is no easy task though and there’s always a complication with these kind of jobs. Sometimes the client even tries to pull a fast one…

hecateThe thieves have their prize but can they escape with it? The guardian of the museum has trapped them in a small town and has sent her remaining cultists and followers to catch them. Either the thieves must wait until the mystic barrier weakens or they must defeat the dread priestess of Hecate and her followers. Can they survive to cash in or will the cult of Hecate feast on their blood? Find out in the conclusion to this mini-series!