The Ska Band cabal needs to summon an angel to bless a divining rod. Fortunately they know of a nearby cult that specializes in summoning angels (located next to a giant cross). The cult leader is willing to help if only the cabal can help them locate a missing member of the congregation and the fortune in bitcoin they had on a USB drive…

Cast: Bill as Nate a Phonomancer (a new custom adept school)
David as Cici, a Vestomancer
Greg as Glenn, a Dpsomancer
and Ross as the GM

After defeating an adversary, the High School Ska Band cabal wants to steal the dead man’s occult loot. This entails breaking into his house, finding a mystical object of value, and dealing with any unnatural inhabitants inside. Eventually, the cabal ends up at the ruins of Ha Ha Tonka Castle on an important mission…

Cast: Bill as Nate a Phonomancer (a new custom adept school)
David as Cici, a Vestomancer
Greg as Glenn, a Dpsomancer
and Ross as the GM

According to rumor, Koya Amaru, a legendary pirate queen buried her treasure somewhere along the Mississippi River in 1718. Evidence of her actual existence is scant, but those in the occult underground know better. Every century since then, a new clue to the treasure’s location has been revealed. It is now 2018 and a new clue has emerged. A cabal of adepts in Cairo Illinois, (who call themselves High School Ska Band) has decided to find Amaru’s treasure. They must face other adepts vying for it, unnatural threats, and strange cults. The race is on!

Cast: Bill as Nate a Phonomancer (a new custom adept school)
David as Cici, a Vestomancer
Greg as Glenn, a Dpsomancer
and Caleb as Benjamin a Fulmimancer

The Hunting Pack’s journey is nearly over, but their work is not yet done. They still must deal with the undying being they created to monitor Nagalisitu while they were gone. Even if they survive dealing with her, can they survive the merger of worlds? The nation state of Nagalisitu will physically overtake a region of the main world. But even if they live through that, they must live with themselves. They have affected countless lives over many generations in both Nagalisitu and the main world. The civilization they have started is already nearly incomprehensible to them and they have alienated themselves from their homelands. Find out the ultimate destiny for each of the remaining pack members in the campaign finale!

Special thanks to Patsy McDowell for the art!

The Hunting Pack has come to terms with Nagalisitu society as it has evolved. Only one mission remains: to secure economic power for the nation. That means capturing wealth and experts in wealth management. Only the bankers of a fortified city state quality so the Pack is sent out, with a new company of soldiers. This will be their hardest battle yet and with untested warriors. Can they succeed?