A body has been found in the water in Heather Creek, Alaska. by morning kayakers. The body has been ID’d as Abiba Al-Hawaryat, a member of Boko Haram. He’s a CIA asset that was last seen in the Sahel region of North Africa, mere hours before his decayed body was reported as washed up in an Alaskan tourist town. . A team of agents travels to northwestern Alaska to determine how the man came to die there and who was responsible.

This is a preview of Caleb’s upcoming Patreon, Dead Channels. It goes live at the end of May.

Ross as Larry Jantzen, FBI agent
Max as Hank Crenshaw, Army Ranger
Baz as Myrai Mantz, Department of Wildlife
Noah as Glenn Nesbit, Park Ranger
Caleb as the GM

A mysterious woman and her unnatural cargo needs to enter Duskvol undetected. She has enemies in the city watching the borders. The Blind Eyes must pick up her up off the coast and find a way to evade her enemies. But they must also keep their own crew from mutinying, as her cargo turns out to be rather disturbing. What is her agenda and what does it mean for the Blind Eyes?

Birk – Audra the Whisper
Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide

The Blind Eyes want a new ship and turn their gaze towards the wealthy of Whitecrowne. One family owns a hull swan boat. It moves under its own unnatural power and needs no crew to run, making it an invaluable asset to the crew. Of course, liberating it from its current owners is easier said than done.

This episode’s artwork is a group portrait of The Blind Eyes by Patsy McDowell! From left to right: Vimes, Salvage, Salty, Flake, and Audra

Baz – Salty / Oberon Matias Declarmont the Spider
Birk – Audra the Whisper
Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide

The Blind Eyes have set their sights on a rival gang, the Fog Hounds. They are competitors and the two gangs have fought in the past. Now, the Blind Eyes want their turf to expand their own operation. The Fog Hounds operate from a heavily guarded lair in the sewers. What plan will the Blind Eyes create to assault the lair? Find out in this violent episode!

Baz – Salty / Oberon Matias Declarmont the Spider
Birk – Audra the Whisper
Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide

The Blind Eyes attend a wedding. It’s not a social call though. The wedding is part of an elaborate heist, all designed to liberate some wealth from the wealthy in the Whitecrowne district. Every gang member must play their part, from mingling with the guests to hiding in the rafters with a blowgun.

Baz – Salty / Oberon Matias Declarmont the Spider
Birk – Audra the Whisper
Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Caleb – Flake the Cutter