The Blind Eyes face their most dangerous foe yet! They have found the safehouse where Inkblood the demon hides. The crew must slay Inkblood or they will never be safe again. Even armed with a mighty demon slaying weapon, it will not be an easy task.

Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Birk – Audra the Whisper

Sponsor: This episode is sponsored by the Chew RPG Kickstarter. If you like our episode, check it out today!

Synopsis: Grub Con is the premier convention for Foodtube creators and fans. Cooks, competitive eaters, chuggers, and other eccentric foodies hang out at Grub Con to meet, party, and talk shop. Last night, someone killed Sandy Bontel, a competitive eater. A new team of FDA agents must catch the murderer before they strike again!

Aaron as Dinah Mama Maple the mascot
Thad as Caden Morbeef the lowlife
Caleb as Clint Rudaburger  the inspector

The Blind Eyes need to build weapons that can slay the demons tormenting the city. Each demon can only be slain by a particular type of magical weapon, not just any will do. Crafting it requires special components and forging process. This means venturing out into the city, as deadly as it has become. Gangs fight openly in the streets. The Blue Coats have lost control. Chaos reigns.

Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Birk – Audra the Whisper

It is time to seize the Soul Engine! The Blind Eyes know the powerful occult artifact is at the heart of the conflict raging in the city and if they want to survive, they will need its power. It is a massive object, built into a watch tower controlled by the Blue Coats, the city guard of Duskvol. To steal the artifact, they must demolish the tower and then relocate the Engine to a safe location.

Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Birk – Audra the Whisper

News: The RPPR Patreon is running a special offer! If you want to pick which classic games of RPPR Actual Play are remastered, check it out. We posted one game, Lady Gaga 2.0 as an example. It’s available now to download. Read more about the offer here!

The Leviathan Hunters own a blood processing facility in the harbor of Duskvol. It contains secrets the Blind Eyes need. Sneaking into a guarded factory surrounded by water is easier said than done, but the Blind Eyes go undercover as new workers. They find dark secrets and darker beings in the depths of the facility!

Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide
Caleb – Flake the Cutter