bp-cover-webNews: Please support our latest Kickstarter, Boiling Point! It’s a brand new adventure for Base Raiders and stretch goals will include a death trap focused supplement by Caleb!

A group of base raiders are forewarned of a threat to the world, somewhere off the coast of New York. They soon realize it must come from an abandoned underwater base, the home of a missing superhero named Hot Water. The raiders want to loot the base and save the world, because they can’t spend their hard won profit, if the world is invaded by murderous shark people. Find out what happens when Professor White, The Violet Vision, and Foot High Science Guy go under the sea!

This is a playtest of the scenario and will be revised by final publication. If you back the Kickstarter, you will receive a playtest draft and have a chance to comment and help improve the final product.

SenseNews: We have a new Kickstarter up for an adventure for Base Raiders. Check out Boiling Point!

The journey of the dreamers has finally reached its end. They have returned to the waking world, but their nightmares have only begun. For one, they awake in a mental asylum far from home. It soon becomes clear that the dreamers must return to the start of their journey, to the Peach Blossom Restaurant in New York City. They have been changed forever, but they will not rest until vengeance is theirs. Find out what happens in the campaign finale of The Sense of the Sleight of Hand Man!

upliftoctopusFirewall’s newest team of field agents has been sent to Ceres, a dwarf planet in the main belt, in order to continue their investigation regarding project TALISMAN. It seems that Loren Kristol, the man who escaped from the Mirrored Pillar, has sent out forks throughout the solar system to pursue a mysterious agenda. Thanks to an undercover Firewall agent, they know Kristol is trying to recruit talented morph designers that are currently working for the Hidden Concern, a totally legitimate business enterprise controlled by octopus uplifts. First, the team needs to infiltrate the organization, which is easier said than done.

ambrose-cover-illoThe dreamers have ascended to the surface, arriving at the city of Ulthar. Despite its relative safety, they have found they are not alone. Two strange companions have followed them to the city, under the orders of their dark lord. Slaying them accomplishes nothing, so the dreamers must find another means of stopping them. Even with the aid of cats like Splendid, can the dreamers defeat the immortal companions?

This episode uses material from the Wives of March from Hebanon Games.

desert-squadThe gatecrashers have escaped to the relative safety of the autonomist zone on Minerva 4, but their troubles have only begun. After being ‘persuaded’ to join Firewall, the gatecrashers are given a mission to prove their abilities, a simple fetch quest on a distant exoplanet. Nothing is easy as it seems though, as the team finds out.