Contracted by a former villain turned stay at home dad who needs a team of Base Raiders to silence a former minion who happens to be the size of a house. At least the payout is an undiscovered base with nothing world breaking inside, right?

Tom as Foot High Science Guy
Ross as Crate
Aaron as After Image

GMed by Greywalker/Micah Nielsen

Rakk faces a fight to the death on the roof of a tower and looks forward to the challenge. Outis visits a cursed library to learn about the being responsible for his creation. If the Delvers can survive that, then it’s off to their next delve, a Vermissian train station!

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage
David as Valanthe drow witch

The Delvers are back in Derelictus but their problems are only beginning. Rakk seeks out an easy way to make some coin and learns of the Society of the Advancement of Pugilistic Science (SAPS). They pay well for pit fighters. Garahan researches ways to contact the Conductor and learns of a potential ally in his quest. All of the team visits the lair of SAPS to watch Rakk’s first fight, but things go slightly awry…

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage
David as Valanthe drow witch

A team of Delta Green agents are activated to surveil a house in a quiet suburban neighborhood. After several days of waiting and watching, nothing happens at the house, but the real mystery begins for the agents. Why is their handler acting so oddly? What does the leadership of Delta Green know about their mission? As the agents investigate their own organization, they find a terrible truth beyond their comprehension…

This scenario uses a map available to patrons of the RPPR Patreon. View the Suburban Anomaly map here!

Aaron as Fred Jacobs, FBI
Max as Dr. Charles Rampling LOC
Baz as James William “Brick”

The Delvers have found Sump Station but that was the easy part of the job! A giant crab lurks in the station’s depths and the Delvers have to find it and plant the device on its shell. After the job, getting home becomes its own adventure..

Aaron as Garanhon Pearce, a Vermissian knight
Tom as Rakk, a gnoll cleaver
Thad as Outis Phyz human junk mage
David as Valanthe drow witch