Don't look down This episode brought to you by Viktor Engvall, a RPPR fan and Killsplosion contributor. The intrepid Firewall team has made their way to a secret aerostat on Venus called Cloud 9. A war has broken out on the station between Pax Familia and the owners of Cloud 9. The Firewall agents must navigate the unstable station, armed psychopaths at every corner, deadly traps and other threats in order to learn the secrets of the station.

Detective Walker and Pilgrim ladies and gentlemen In this episode the heroes of New Arcadia face two challenges: the Crystal Children and the occult mystery in Fiddler’s Green. The cult known as the Crystal Children is led by a powerful metahuman with a unique ability that makes direct confrontations with him impossible. How will they bring this elusive foe to justice? When the other heroes delve into the mystery of the ghost lights of Fiddler’s Green, they find a dire plot that must be stopped. However, this is easier said than done.

Extreme freeze tag in the transhuman future News: Support the Killsplosion Kickstarter and get access to 10 preview RPPR AP episodes including the entire Slender Man World of Darkness Campaign!

The Firewall agents have learned where the Nine Lives Syndicate operative is and how to get to her but she won’t be there long. The team rushes forward to defeat her guards and capture her before she escapes.  Once captured, she reveals her destination, a hidden aerostat on Venus called Cloud Nine. The team decides to venture to the aerostat in hopes of learning more about the conspiracy. What secrets are hidden on the station?

He wants to give you a hugNews: Support the Killsplosion Kickstarter and get access to 10 preview RPPR AP episodes including the entire Slender Man World of Darkness Campaign!

No one knows what the mysterious entity known as Slender Man really is or what it does with the victims it abducts. Until now. A park ranger that survived the events of Candle Cove was later taken by the Slender Man. After a year, he returns a changed man. Other mysteries arise as the forces of darkness threaten the ranger and his friends. Can these mortals uncover survive? Find out in episode 1 of the Slender Man mini-campaign!



News: Support the Killsplosion Kickstarter and get access to 10 preview RPPR AP episodes!

In this episode, the heroes of New Arcadia continue their war against the Syndicate. They discover a weapons manufacturing facility hidden in the city controlled by the Syndicate. The heroes must figure out a way to get inside the facility and destroy the machinery before the Syndicate thugs stop them. They also learn more of the Syndicate’s structure, leadership and plans. What dark mysteries will they uncover? Find out in this double length episode!