In the future, resleeving is considered less annoying than dealing with airport securityThe intrepid band of Firewall agents have learned that trail of Know Evil leads to the Moon. In order to continue their investigation, they must farcast – that is to transmit their digitized minds into a new body waiting for them on Luna. This process is disconcerting for many but also provides a new opportunity to pick a better morph. As they acclimate to their new bodies and the restrictive policies of Luna, the agents must pick up the trail and figure out where to go next. However, they also have some personal time to explore their new surroundings. What do Firewall agents do to maintain their cover? Find out in this episode!

The philosophy of every Player Character ever summarized on a t-shirt The Heroes of New Arcadia have made contact with the mysterious and powerful leader of the Syndicate, a telepathic scientist named Paragon. She wishes to deal with the heroes but will they accept a compromise or not? Furthermore, the hero Chirop must pay for his crimes but what will the federal government demand of him? As the seconds count down, can our heroes come up with a suitable plan to stop the threat of the Syndicate once and for all?

One of Caligula's more sedate partiesThe threat of the Cthulhu Mythos is eternal but long before the heroic investigators of the 1920s and conspiracies like Delta Green, there were defenders of humanity from horrors beyond time and space. In ancient Rome, a group of skilled and cunning citizens has been charged with stopping a group of kidnappers. These criminals have taken many women from all walks of life, including the wife of a powerful man. But when these unlikely heroes delve into the mystery, they uncover a far greater threat to Rome than they ever could have imagined.

The sky pirates had a bad...altitude YYYEEEEAAAAAHHHHH The Firewall team has found the secret base of the sky pirates but now comes the most dangerous part of their mission – infiltration. They must pose as the real sky pirates they killed and find the captured hacker they need to rescue. Of course, between them and their target lies dozens of armed and paranoid pirates. To make matters worse, the hacker turns out to be more than they initially thought…

He'd fit right in with the other player characters In this episode, the heroes must stop the Syndicate’s latest plot to destabilize the state! Fortunately, they have a new ally as guest player RJ joins the band in one session. In the second half, the Syndicate takes action against the heroes. Find out how in this episode!