SHIT JUST GOT REALThe epilogue continues with a martial arts tournament! Even though only one of the Crows is participating in the tournament, the rest have decided to aid their comrade behind the scenes. Can their schemes guarantee victory? With special guest Tom role playing as the announcer for the tournament, this episode is not to be missed!

Watch Fantasy by DyE on Youtube :DIt is the year 444 of Sheng the Immortal’s rule. As Sheng has always existed, he had the foresight to find brave warriors and cunning tacticians and send their minds through time so they may be useful long after their natural deaths. Now, as a ruler, Sheng uses Pilgrims for missions of great importance. Most arrivals of the Pilgrims are foretold, but not all of them. Guides wait to greet the Pilgrims, should they arrive unexpectedly. The latest group of Pilgrims is unlike the others though…

This adventure shall not want for a lack of Bowie.In a continuation from Transit, the RPPR crew begins their career raiding bases! After building characters and using the collaborative base creation system, the group decides to venture to Louisiana in order to find a base rumored to have once been owned by David Bowie. Now, the base is held by a rogue alchemist who exploits magical beings in order to make his potions. The party has agreed to track the villain down and stop him before he can create an army of magically enhanced gators and gang members. Before the heroic base raiders can stop him, they first have to find the base. All they know is that is in the bayou, near a town called Paradise. You won’t believe what they encounter in this first part of the adventure! BTW, you can totes buy Base Raiders now!

SAVE THE PANDA SAVE THE WORLDThe Ronin have agreed to help John McAfee on a job. It has nothing to do with their quest to stop the vampire conspiracy, but they are men of their word and they need the money. The job, of course, is not so simple. Triad gangsters have kidnapped a sushi chef and are auctioning him off to the highest bidder. The Ronin must rescue the chef but he is being held on a ship run by covert North Korean agents. Infiltrating a ship in international waters held by paranoid and heavily armed soldiers is one thing, but the Ronin are nothing if not cunning. But when they stumble across a panda being held by the North Koreans, they realize they must save the hapless bear, no matter the cost. Find out how this most epic of side missions unravels! Thanks to Crazon for the art!

These guys don't show up in the adventure at all, but it does take place in a subway. Deal with it B-)A group of commuters in a New York subway find themselves stranded after crazed robots start attacking the subway station. Fleeing into the tunnels, the commuters stumble across the base of a masked crime boss. What secrets lurk within it? What are the robots after? This scenario was run using new playtest rules for running origin story adventures, when unlikely heroes answer the call to action and gain superpowers to fight evil (or villains gain superpowers for fun and profit, whatever floats your boat.)  Playtest rules are available on the Base Raiders website.

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