night-shooting-webDelta Green has pulled together a massive strike team in order to take down the mythos organization in Colorado, all led by Working Group M, but will it be enough? Only the working group knows the true nature of their foe and it may be immoral to send unknowing police officers into battle without giving them proper intelligence. But an unnatural hunger gnaws at the working group, so they must feed and soon.

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rm-vetThe workers of the abattoir need medication to continue their work and it is up to the Brutalists to transport the drugs. Unfortunately, the shipment also contains dangerous narcotics that could wreck havoc with the community. The takers may be mercenaries but the fallout of addicting an allied enclave with these drugs and getting them into debt with a drug cartel is quite dangerous. Those narcotics are worth a lot of bounty though, so someone must pay for them.

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Synopsis: Working Group M is sent back into action after the bloody events of the previous mission. The legalization of marijuana in Colorado has led to a booming pot industry and a problem for the Group. One new corporation has been flagged for investigation. Their product is unusual and their CEO has tenuous connections to a previous operation, conducted decades ago. When Sredni Vashtar is hungry, no one is safe…

saurian2And now, the second half of Saurian Solutions LLC! Our heroes plan their attack on Mr Tyrranous, getting allies from rebels within the saurian ranks. They also get help from the outside, as a grizzled old SAS soldier, who also happens to be a werewolf, joins the fight. They also seek help from a local militia that has been trapped in the jungle. But will these armed, and somewhat crazy gunmen be more trouble than they are worth?

fhsgExtinction is not always forever.  A group of Base Raiders are on their way across the country when they happen upon a strange situation in Arizona.  A small town has been cut off from the rest of the world, and its population have been transformed into dinosaurs by a new villain, Mr Tyrrannous.  Now, The Violet Vision, an alien robot, and a magical talking cat must stop this new villain, before the rest of the world is forced to go dino.