In a grimdark post-apocalyptic future, where the earth has been devastated by nuclear war, dimensional rifts and Nazi cos-players, only a few gritty heroes stand between a new apocalypse, a post-post apocalypse or a meta apocalypse or an apocalypse squared or a neo-apocalypse or an epic apocalypse or a mega damage apocalypse or a dragon cyborg juicer apocalypse wielding a rune blade with Atlantean tattoos. Yeah. HARDCORE.

In other words, I ripped off the plot of a movie called The Eliminators and forced the players into a game of Rifts.  Deal with it.

Learn more about the campaign on the RPPR forums.  In the future, only 5% of humanity remains after rogue AIs known as the TITANs turned Earth into a hellish wasteland and then disappeared. The remainder lives throughout the solar system. Only a secret vigilante organization known as Firewall protects humanity from the remnants of the TITANs and any other existential threats. One team of low level Firewall sentinels has been assigned to investigate Thought, a space station owned by the hypercorpration Cognite in orbit over Venus after an undercover agent assigned to the station went missing. More disturbingly, the backup of her mind is corrupt – something that should be impossible. The team consists of Bartleby: A lost generation brinker, Preston: an uplifted octopus socialite, SAIRAC, an argonaut AGI, Fayun, a Lunar criminal and Gerrad a Fall Evacuee anarchist. Infiltrating a secret orbital research facility will be hard to accomplish to say the least. How will they get in and what will they discover? Find out in this first double length episode of Eclipse Phase: Know Evil!


In order to prepare for Gencon 2011, I wrote and playtested a Wild Talents zombie-themed one shot. A group of normal citizens wake up in a strange lab. They each have a super power due to the experiments conducted by the Parasol Corporation. Unfortunately, the same corporation has also released a zombie virus on the city of New Arcadia. This virus has turned normal citizens into mindless flesh eating ghouls and superhumans into intelligent flesh eating ghouls. Can these scrappy new heroes find a way to cure the virus, survive countless zombies and defeat ‘subject zero’?

This episode contains two playtests of the same scenario. The first was at Fear the Con 2011 and the second was with most of the regular RPPR group. There is a third playtest with a mix of new and old players that will be released soon.