handman2The Dreamers have finally crossed the ocean, but the city of Lhosk may prove to be even more dangerous. The Men from Leng trade in the city freely and it seems the citizens of Lhosk do not suspect their true allegiances. The Dreamers must find passage to Ulthar while avoiding the Men from Leng, a task easier said than done. Furthermore, they must add a new dreamer who has joined the group, but will he adapt to this strange new land?

rickmortySo there’s this show called Rick and Morty. It’s about a mad scientist (Rick) and his grandson (Morty) going on adventures throughout time and space. In one episode, it is revealed that there is an organization called the Council of Ricks, composed of many Ricks throughout the countless parallel universes. In this special one shot, each player is a Rick and Morty team sent by the Council to investigate a strange alien planet. What secrets does this planet hold? Can a team of Ricks from very different alternate universes work together as a team? Probably not, but you may be surprised!

lhoskThe Dreamers awaken after a long sleep to find themselves at sea. No oceanic journey is peaceful in the Dreamlands and after encountering a strange abandoned ship, the Dreamers realize their quest will only grow more perilous. After all, the ocean is known for its pirates…

boost-patchNews: Get the newest Base Raiders PDF supplement: Boost Patches! Temporary super powers without permanent side effects. The PDF also includes the adventure seed for the Lost Treasure of the Candy Man.

A group of civilians, all stranger to each other, are invited for a chance to gain wealth and power. It turns out that a base raider believes that these strangers can bypass certain defensive systems in a villain’s lair that he cannot – super powered beings trigger security systems that normal humans do not. In order to access the base though, the civilians must pass an automated henchman recruiting test and only then can they secure the treasure of the base. But what isn’t the mysterious base raider telling the civilians about the base? What lies in the vault at the bottom of the base? Delve into the secret behind the base of the Red Mantis in this one shot AP!

fiendish-fourThanks to Laura for the art!

The end is upon us! The Fiendish Four have tracked down the true villain and have discovered his dastardly plan. The question is: can they stop him without damning themselves in the process? Between the governor’s security, the demonic staff, and the true mastermind of the plot, the Four have their work cut out for them. Of course, they didn’t totally burn all of their bridges, so they aren’t totally alone. But even with angelic help, it may not be enough to save the day! Find out how the school year concludes in this dramatic campaign finale for No Soul Left Behind!