A so-called ‘biohacker’ in Florida is conducting suspicious research in Florida. Delta Green has activated a team of agents to go undercover as potential financial investors in the biohacker’s company. It was supposed to be a relatively safe mission, just a meeting or two, in a public office space. When the team awakens in a strange place they don’t recognize, they know things have gone wrong.

The Gate 9 crew heads to Hawaii to fight the cult of Logos. Specifically, they need to find the leader who knows the details of Logos’ ascension ritual and get him to reveal it to them. That won’t be easy. The cult has a compound built from a UFO, alien guards, high tech weapons, and more. But the Gate 9 team has a few tricks up their own sleeves..

A tourist has come to visit. It is very curious and loves to see new places and meet new people. It hates to travel alone though. Won’t you be a good host and help? That’s nice. Be sure to explain everything to the tourist and don’t forget to show it lots of nice maps. It loves to see new maps of places to visit. Every new map means new people to see. Don’t worry about missing the tourist. Sooner or later, you’ll meet somewhere and won’t that be delightful?

In a grimdark post-apocalyptic Earth, a horde of goblins from a fantasy realm thrive. Exiled from their own universe, the goblins fight, explore, and aggravate the other surviving beings. One such band of goblins has been recruited for a quest to carry an ancient artifact to a distant place of power. Will the goblins overcome the strange monsters and vicious enemies between them and their goal? Will they even remember to finish the quest?

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