The philosophy of every Player Character ever summarized on a t-shirt The Heroes of New Arcadia have made contact with the mysterious and powerful leader of the Syndicate, a telepathic scientist named Paragon. She wishes to deal with the heroes but will they accept a compromise or not? Furthermore, the hero Chirop must pay for his crimes but what will the federal government demand of him? As the seconds count down, can our heroes come up with a suitable plan to stop the threat of the Syndicate once and for all?

He'd fit right in with the other player characters In this episode, the heroes must stop the Syndicate’s latest plot to destabilize the state! Fortunately, they have a new ally as guest player RJ joins the band in one session. In the second half, the Syndicate takes action against the heroes. Find out how in this episode!

Would you like to play a game?A group of kids on summer vacation have found an unusual arcade game called Polybius. While its graphics are old, its gameplay is second to none. Unfortunately, it seems that those who play it are tampering with forces Man Was Not Meant To Know. Find out what happens when the spirits of dead video game enemies haunt the players that killed them!  This was a ransom request game from the Killsplosion Kickstarter. Enjoy!  Also Little Fears is a fun RPG.

Battles Without Honor & Humanity (or sanity) In the post-war streets of Hiroshima, 1952, two Yakuza clans battle for control of the lucrative black markets and drug trade. The dominant clan is losing their hold because of the lack of leadership from their boss. He sends his two sons and two loyal enforcers on strange errands that have nothing to do with running the business. Soon, the Yakuza find themselves embroiled in a strange battle between the supernatural and their rival clan. Find out who lives and who dies in this one shot game!

Let's class this zeppelin up with some gunfightsThe Firewall team must rescue a kidnapped hacker currently held prisoner by the sky pirates of Venus. In order to find the pirates’ hidden base, they must lure in one of their raiding ships, take out the pirates and capture the ship. The best bait happens to be a luxury zeppelin filled with the idle rich. What better place could there be for a gunfight? Of course, there will be more than a few complications, including smuggling weapons on board, dealing with the ship’s security and the other guests themselves…