News: If you’re a fan of The Heroes of New Arcadia, please support RPPR by backing our new Kickstarter, Base Raiders the RPG! Based on this campaign, Base Raiders is a standalone RPG about DIY transhumanism and raiding abandoned bases for treasure. Check out the Kickstarter Page! 

Synopsis: In this double length episode, the Heroes of New Arcadia contend with occult assassins, bone solvent, and escaped souls from hell, among other things. In the first half of this episode, the heroes learn that a sinister assassin from a death cult is waiting to strike but can they track down this villain before it’s too late? In the second half, a revenant from the pits of hell is tracking down her killers.  The Heroes will be put to the test. Can they save the day? Find out in this two session episode!

The most conservative jurors of a scum swarmIn this episode, the Firewall team finds itself in a delicate situation. After a botched raid on a group of snuff XP producers, the team is forced to undergo the justice system of the anarchist scum swarm. This turns out to be a rather complex political challenge, as the team must win over as many of the factions as possible in order to stay on the swarm. Of course, even a scum swarm has some leaders, like the security chief, Singh, who wants the team gone. But even as the trial goes on, each agent must carry on with their work, including dealing with multiple potential existential threats at once. Can Bartleby, Preston and Feiyin win the anarchist trial of the century? Find out in Know Evil episode 18!

News: If you’re a fan of former RPPR regular Cody, check out his new Kickstarter, Noir City!

Not technically related to the campaign, but this is art from the upcoming Base Raiders RPG. Enjoy!Check out the Base Raiders website to preview the next major RPPR project!

The Heroes of New Arcadia have righted many wrongs and saved many lives but no good deed goes unpunished forever. Their enemies launch a raid on their unprotected base, resulting in a major fight that pushes the group to their limits. After the battle, they decide to strike back but first they have to determine which of their many enemies attacked them and how they can best get revenge. Find out who their mystery foe is in this episode!

The scum swarm is a perfectly fine place to live...before Firewall shows upThe new tier of the Know Evil campaign begins! In order to hide out after the daring bank heist, the Firewall team retreats to the relative safety of The Stars Our Destination, a scum swarm that happened to be nearby. After ditching their weapons, the team gets a rare chance to rest and plan their next move. They have a chance to research the object retrieved from the bank safety deposit vault, catch up with their personal lives, and perform some side missions for Firewall. Of course, there are threats hidden in the swarm, waiting to strike out at them.

If you enjoy this tier, you should get a copy of The Stars Our Destination and read up on this scum swarm!

You can also check out the newcomer’s packet in this post on the RPPR forums.

Don't look now...From Dennis Detwiller’s Tumblr:

“A Victim of the Art” is a Delta Green scenario set in the fictional town of Glenridge, Long Island. The investigators play Delta Green agents and/or friendlies brought in to solve a series of grisly murders which have rocked the small, rich, seaside community.

The killer is not human – but the perpetrator is.

A PDF of the scenario is available at the Tumblr page.