Norm, we hardly knew you.The Heroes of New Arcadia campaign will be interrupted by a special one shot of Dread, the horror game that makes Jenga terrifying. Seriously. We’re playing Dread in this episode. The players are on a space station trying to protect all of humanity from a cosmic threat. They’re all humans. No man-bats or magicians or anything like that. Nope. Just a straight sci-fi horror story about people like Norm (the prisoner), Jamal (the leader) and Finn (the worker). They all know something is WRONG on the station. Can these normal humans solve the mystery and save the day or will they let the world be destroyed? Find out in this special game of Dread!

Preston Crowley, uplift octopus, socialite, media darling, Mercurial extremist, and master of the bladeThe Firewall Team awakens on Earth, much to their chagrin. They have been placed in a covert bunker under the streets of Tokyo, sleeved in what morphs were available. Tasked with retrieving an AGI from a Tokyo museum, the team must cross the exsurgent infected ruins of earth’s largest city.  Given the insidious and alien nature of the TITANs, anything can be a deadly trap. Can the team survive the countless threats and complete the mission objective? Why is the AGI so important? Find out all this and more in this episode of Know Evil!

Smoking moon rocks only gets me to normal :\Delta Green was not always an illegal conspiracy within the US government. Back in 1969, it was still a legal conspiracy (at least for most of the year). A group of agents must investigate the theft of 10 pounds of moon rocks from a secure government facility. Can this disparate group of soldiers and investigators figure out who stole the rocks and why? More importantly, can they stop the thieves from completing their plan? Find out in Drew’s first game as GM!

The Martyr did not get hard dice in PerceptionThe final tier of the Heroes of New Arcadia campaign begins! After the dramatic events of the last tier, the world is a very different place. The Heroes are vastly different – gaining new powers at the cost of their humanity. The secrets behind Ragnarok have been revealed. The Ideal has finally returned. The Collective has shown itself to be a true enemy of all that lives. The Heroes of New Arcadia are now world class heroes and the stakes have never been higher. Can the Heroes do what it takes to guide the world into a more elevated position or will everything fall apart? Find out as the final act begins!

SAIROC: Helpful AGI with new and improved befuddlement algorithm!The peace cannot last long, even in a civilized station like Vo Nyugen. The Firewall team finds itself under attack from a mysterious and impossibly skilled assassin just as they are making a deal with an informant for intel on Manjappa. Meanwhile, Augustine sits there in the server room…apparently normal, but can the Firewall team trust a seed AI? Even after they deal with the sniper, the team has little time to act in order to keep the investigation going. Given the number of Firewall rules the team has broken, how long can they keep their own organization from turning against them? Find out how the team manages to deal with the chaos Manjappa inflicts on them in this episode of Know Evil!