ba-angelThe troubles of the Fiendish Four never end! Their actions have attracted the attentions of their angelic counterparts, who can pose more danger than any rival demonically possessed superperson. Not only are they equipped with incredible powers, beating up on an angelically possessed person sure sounds like a sin, doesn’t it? But for the sake of the KEEDZZZ, the Fiendish (or Framed Four if you prefer) won’t let them get in their way. Plus, they do have a guy who turn things into other things. Who can beat that?

Eclipse_Phase_The_Devotees-2The Firewall agents sent into Legba have uncovered a conspiracy that threatens all of transhumanity and only they can stop it! Doing so is easier than said than done. Between the ruthless ego traffickers versus the insane cultists and military-grade security systems, do they have a chance of stopping Nine Lives? Their only hope is in turning each faction against the others. Will the agents manipulate the paranoid gangsters and madmen that make up Nine Lives? Find out in the thrilling conclusion of The Devotees!

This adventure was written by Caleb Stokes and is now available for purchase at DrivethruRPG. This AP is a playtest of the scenario so your experiences may vary.

Eclipse_Phase_The_Devotees-1Normally a crossroads for Nine Lives (the ego trading cartel) trafficking, the gang’s asteroid stronghold, Legba, has grown more violent and strange than usual. Slaves participating in gladiatorial deathmatch XPs display disturbing enthusiasm and devotion. Upper echelon Nine Lives  lieutenants are farcasting in for an unprecedented important meeting. A Firewall operative undercover on the habitat has requested sentinel support, warning that Nine Lives may be in possession of something representing an x-threat.

This adventure was written by Caleb Stokes and is now available for purchase at DrivethruRPG. This AP is a playtest of the scenario so your experiences may vary.

this is totes Aaron's characterJoe Bilby was a bad man. Even his murderers underestimated how badly he deserved to die…until they found all that money in his office. The petty revenge of a deputy, an artist, and a country doctor has accidentally uncovered a criminal conspiracy undermining the entire town, and the snake’s nest is stirring. Many want to find the men responsible for Bilby’s death, but justice is the last thing they have in mind. Can the conspirators resist  temptation and scrutiny long enough to return to their regular lives? Or has their shared sin started a cycle of violence from which there is no escape? Find out in this A Dirty World mini-campaign featuring Aaron, David, and Tom.

This may or may not be an artist's depiction of the RPPR table.The school year is over halfway complete, yet the problems of the Fiendish Four never let up! A new super villain has set up shop in the area, a gang boss who is more than ready to unleash his powers on the public. He’s also challenging the Four’s own gang, in that he pays them and offers them work. Clearly, this gross injustice cannot be allowed to stand. What ace does the villain up his sleeve? Find out in this action packed episode!