Vector-v1Justice exists in the Loss, albeit in a crude and unfair manner. The Brutalists are hired to help enforce the law by escorting a prisoner through the Loss to a tribunal for a ‘trial’, sentencing, and punishment. Of course, justice is more about politics and keeping the peace out here. If the innocent have to die in order to appease the masses, so be it. They take on a new team member and take a side trek in order to make even more profit. Of course, no endeavor is without its risks. The side trek may cost more than just profit if their gamble does not pay off.

rm-gearBecause the enclave of Le Corbusier is close to the Recession, every once in a while tourists from the zombie-free part of the country visit to go on a ‘safari.’ Specifically, they hire takers to guide them out into the Loss so they can shoot as many zombies as they want. The Brutalists are taking a father and son out for just such a safari. The father also hired out a latent bodyguard, who seems to have his own agenda. This is no simple run and gun job though. Nothing is that simple in the Loss.

breakdown-RMAnother day, another job. The Brutalists get some help for their latest job, a mysterious driver named Drift. They will need his skills and car if they are going to have a chance to complete this job. The takers must travel to an overrun enclave, release the undead horde inside and herd them to a slaughterhouse, where they can be disposed of and their clothing processed into grime-cloth, the only fabric available for the poor now. There’s a long road ahead and countless hazards to navigate or demolish. There’s only one solution and that is apparently quoting Fury Road. Will it work? Find out!

red-markets-2The Brutalists are in the middle of their first job and it may be their last! What at first seemed like a simple closure job has turned into a nerve-wracking standoff between them, another group of survivors, and the government itself. Can the team negotiate peace between embittered military vets with sniper training and a ruthless black ops government wetworks operation? Will the precious technology discovered at the job site be recovered or destroyed, lost to humanity for all time? What architect will Ludwig quote next?  There’s only one way to find out!

prophet-hopeA group of gatecrashers are sent on a scouting mission to an exoplanet relatively near to our own solar system. The planet has favorable atmospheric conditions and life, but something is off about it. There seems to be a human settlement on the planet, one unknown to transhumanity. They have medieval technology but are otherwise healthy. Furthermore, there are strange four-legged beasts roaming the nearby wilderness. What secrets does this world hold? Is it a TITAN trap? No trace of their technology or the Exsurgent virus has been found, but who knows what secrets lie hidden, just waiting for the gatecrashers to find?