A new crew of smugglers takes on their first job in Duskvol. They call themselves the Blind Eyes and specialize in the weird and the occult. With a small hidden lair under the docks and a boat, they are ready to take on the world. They are:

Baz – Salty / Oberon Matias Declarmont the Spider
Birk – Audra the Whisper
Aaron – Salvage the Leech
Caleb – Flake the Cutter
Bill – Vimes/Seth the Slide
Ross as the GM

A band of conquistadors has disappeared in the jungles of Guatemala. A second group sets out to find them, but as they venture into the green valley, they find out that the indigenous people are not the only threat there.

Special thanks to Noah from Thinking Too Hard About Anime podcast to run this game for us!

Ross as Humberto the Gamekeeper
David as Lotte the Sellsword
Birk as Jacob the Man at Arms
Caleb as Grimaldo the Dragoon
Noah as the GM

A group of Base Riaders have all been approached by Vivien, a scarred woman with an intriguing tale. She claims to represent a group who have a lead on a particularly rich base. They do not have the power necessary to get particular items they want in the base, so they need their help.Will the team of freelancers be able to defeat the security of the the vault and help the group?

Arcannon – Birk
Professor White – Caleb
After Image – Aaron
Sparkles – Thad
Ross as the GM

Helos, a Greek Occultist, has acquired a complete copy of Al-Azif. Having a desire to keep this acquisition secret, he has sought the most distant translator possible. Posing as a rich merchant, he has come to Saeferne Abbey and engaged the services of Albinus, a translator. His financial “offering” to the church has gained him access to Albinus, and will protect him unless there is conclusive evidence of wrongdoing on his part. During the process of translation, some dark recess of Albinus’ soul has been awakened…

Rob Stith of the Orpheus Protocol podcast as – Brother Wilmot the illuminator
Aaron as brother Hamon the translator
Caleb as Godfrey the bishop’s guard
Birk as brother Tristam the Exorcist

This scenario was published in Caligo Accedndum, available now.

Content Warning: Reference to real-world tragedies in this scenario
From the Author: During quarantine, I was thinking a lot about the nature of grief, specifically how it diffuses when shared, how it spreads out and thins across distance and time. There is no mention of Covid-19 in the scenario, but this is my personal attempt at processing the shared grief of the ongoing pandemic.

Synopsis: A therapy group meets every week in the basement of a local church. When a freak winter storm isolates them, they realize one member has gone too far to overcome their grief. Can they survive the storm and the horror beyond comprehension?

Ross as Iris
Maddy as Lindsey
Holly as Ruth
Baz as Jim
Birk as Adrian
Caleb as the GM