In a grimdark post-apocalyptic Earth, a horde of goblins from a fantasy realm thrive. Exiled from their own universe, the goblins fight, explore, and aggravate the other surviving beings. One such band of goblins has been recruited for a quest to carry an ancient artifact to a distant place of power. Will the goblins overcome the strange monsters and vicious enemies between them and their goal? Will they even remember to finish the quest?

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The global tier begins! A year later, the Gate 9 crew has partially resolved their own problems and have become full time base raiders. Except for Trey, who runs the Brass Door, a post-scarcity bar and hangout. However, a new alien appears, Kyrzyyk, a frog-like warrior with a complicated back story, is now on earth and needs their help on a mission of vital importance!

Art by Lauren Ftaghn!

In the grimdark and chrome future, teams of freelance mercenaries carry out jobs for anonymous corporate clients, no matter what it entails. One such team is given a job to acquire a certain piece of data, contained only in a disk at a secure apartment. The team does not know why the client needs it but they need the money to survive life in the SPRAWL (inception sound)…

The Gate 9 crew is trying to help Jeff claim his family’s fortune and in order to do that, they need the help of one woman in particular. She needs an item from a hidden base in return. Standing between them and that base is a deranged vigilante named Exemplar. Also, the team meets a nice friendly dog named Jefferson.

In the grim dark future, Seattle is home to freelance mercenaries armed with high technology and magic. Called Shadowrunners, they take whatever jobs they can get, even if they involve murder. One such team needs to get blackmail material on a rich man hosting a most unusual convention.

A special thanks goes out to Bridget, a friend of RPPR, who ran this game for us and Noah and Richard from A Fistful of Misanthropes and Role Playing Exchange. Enjoy!