The year is 1935 and horror lurks in the shadows of the Great Depression. In a Hooverille near a small town of California, Bryson Springs, a man has been murdered by means most foul. A FBI agent is ordered to investigate the death even though he is currently transporting a mafia hitman to prison. A reporter from L.A. and a professor of anthropology also converge on the area, drawn by fate or curiosity. The unlikely heroes find themselves surrounded by a horror they cannot imagine, let alone perceive. Find out what awaits them in this double length episode!

The Water Barons are torn apart by schisms in their beliefs and actions. One has fallen in battle. Another hears the cry of his distant kin, far to the north, and wishes to help them. But before the party can unite to free the enslaved orcs, they must deal with the ogres near Bordertown.  Mercenaries at heart, the ogres have taken to exploiting the local community for profit. When the Water Barons seek to enlist their aid to help them free the orcs, the ogres demand payment up front. Inexplicably, the Water Barons fail to grasp the basic fact that mercenaries, even if they are ogres, want to be paid before they fight. Find out how stubborn and violent the players can be when NPCs refuse to fight deadly battles for them for free.

This game system was the first RPG I ever played, so even though it hasn’t aged as gracefully as some games, I’m still fond of TMNT & Other Strangeness. So last year, I ran a 2 part game using this system, gleefully maintaining all the quirks of the Palladium rules. The players are all part of the mutant animal underground, living in the forgotten and abandoned parts of The Big Apple. Of course, trouble has a way of finding them…

The Dark Sun campaign continues as our unlucky protagonists find themselves embroiled in intrigue and action in the shadows of the city. Deadly fights in the alleys, talks with rebels and scholars and cannibal buffets with a hidden price.

A team of KGB agents in cold war Berlin have to find an escaped German madman and bring him back to custody. Little do they know that darker forces are at work and as they draw nearer to the madman, the more they put their own lives and sanity at risk. The thrilling conclusion to Tom’s second part of the Divine Fire trilogy!